Effects of Catastrophic events on ecosystems Glue this section into your ISN Effects of Catastrophic events on ecosystems
Effects of Hurricanes on the Environment Wild Fires The major natural causes of wildfire ignitions are ___________, volcanic eruption, ___________ conditions, and sparks from rock falls. Human causes such as arson (purposely setting fire to something), discarded cigarettes, sparks from equipment, and abandoned __________ start fires. Effects of Wild Fires on the Environment Negative: 1. ______ __ ______ _____ - people are evacuated from dangerous areas to help keep them safe from the fire 2. ________ __ ________ - buildings, houses, roads, bridges, cars and other structures can be burned 3. _________ ____ _____ _____ - when trees and grasses are burned, animals lose their habitat and source of food 4. ________ ____ - firefighters, helicopters, and other efforts to put out fires are very expensive; also rebuilding and the cleaning up of burned structures is very costly 5. _________ - vegetation that has been burned off will leave the area prone to erosion of the soil Positive: 1. ____ ______ _______ - the burned areas will return the nutrients to the soil; in a short time, new plant growth will flourish because of the enriched soil 2. ______ __ ________ - forest fires naturally thin out overgrown, thick forests; if the trees are not thinned, then the new trees trying to grow will not be able to receive sunlight 3. ____________ __ ______ - wild fires create conditions for new seedlings to germinate; for example the giant sequoia tree needs wild fires to dry out and split the cones to release the seeds Hurricane Hurricanes are caused by ___________ __________. Moist warm air condenses and rises while cool air rushes in to take its place which causes rotating winds. Main characteristics of a hurricane include torrential rains, high winds, and storm surges (flooding of water). Effects of Hurricanes on the Environment 1. _______ _________ - hurricanes carve away sand from the beaches and deposit it in a new location 2. _______ - water from the hurricane’s storm surge is one of the main causes of death; flooding can also trigger landslides 3. ________ __ _______ - buildings, houses, roads, bridges, and other structures can be damaged from high winds and flooding 4. ________ _____ - animals are displaced from their homes and habitats during hurricanes; beach erosion and deposition can disrupt oyster beds and coral reefs; salt water that is brought in by the storm surge can kill fresh water organisms when it enters lakes, rivers, and steams 5. _________ _____ - rebuilding and clean up costs can costs millions and even billions of dollars
Effects of Tornadoes on the Environment Tornadoes are caused when _______, moist air clashes with ______ air from the north and fuels storms. Tornadoes are ________ columns of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. Effects of Tornadoes on the Environment 1. _________ _________ - homes, cars, buildings 2. _____ ___ ________ _____ - if appropriate cover is not taken 3. __________ __ ____ - high winds scour the soil off the ground down to the rock 4. ___________ _______ - uproot trees; destroy fields of crops 5. ____________ _________ __________ - animals that live in trees and shrubs have to relocate Earthquake An earthquake is caused by a _______ of energy usually from moving of _________ plates or _________ eruptions. Earthquakes are __________ of the Earth’s surface along ______ lines or tectonic plates. As _______ builds between plates the crust breaks and snaps into a new position, and now the crust is back in ____________. Effects of Earthquakes on the Environment 1. _______ ___ _______ _____ - due to collapsed buildings and falling objects 2. __________ __ ____________ - violent shaking weakens supports of structures 3. _______ _________ - which will cause flooding 4. _______ _________ - the sliding of loose soil and earth material 5. _________ ________ & ________ _________ - cause fires from broken gas lines, cause power outages 6. _________ & _________ of the Earth’s crust - deep trenches can be created Drought Droughts are caused by an interruption of the _______ _______ – lack of _______________. Farmers using too much water for _________ of their crops. _____________ of cattle and other livestock causes a decrease in plants that help to retain moisture. Effects of Drought on the Environment 1. ______ ______ ________ - for drinking and water for your homes 2. _______ _______ - farmer’s crops die therefore we have no food/products and also farmer’s do not make any money 3. ________ _______ - without water and food animals can not live 4. _________ _____ _______ - due to lack of moisture in the environment 5. ____________ ____ ________ - dry soil is easily blown by wind
Effects of Flooding on the Environment Floods are caused by intense long term ____________ from thunderstorms, snow and ice ______, storm ________ from hurricanes, and man made pavement, roads, and _________ ______are not porous so precipitation runs off of these surfaces which makes flooding conditions worse. Effects of Flooding on the Environment 1. _______ __ ________ ______ - rushing water is very dangerous and has claimed human life 2. ___________ / __________ - drinking water can become contaminated by damaged sewer systems and chemicals; debris and trash can also be washed away and accumulate 3. __________ ______ _____ ___________ - flooding can knock down structures, damage roads and bridges, cause mold to grow in homes 4. _______ ___________ - can kill or displace livestock and damage crops 5. ________ __ __________ - stagnant or standing water can increase the likelihood of disease 6. __________ __________ - floods cause significant amounts of erosion to coasts, leading to more frequent flooding if not repaired. Volcano Volcanoes are caused by buildup of _________ between _________ plates from gases within the magma. When the pressure becomes too ______, an eruption occurs to _______ that pressure and return to _____________. Effects of Volcanoes on the Environment Negative: 1. _______ & _______ ________ destroyed - from ash and lava flow 2. _____, hot ______ & poisonous _____ are thrown into the air - volcanic ash can affect breathing, contaminate water supplies, collapse roofs because of the weight of the ash, disrupt machinery, and cause jet engines to fail while flying because of the buildup of ash in the engines. 3. _______ ______ & _______ - volcanoes create dangerously hot lava and pyroclastic flows that burn down any plant life in its path 4. _______ of _______ ecosystems - magma and lava flow into the ocean and can disrupt the ocean ecosystem causing fish and marine plants to die 5. Trigger ________, mudslides, earthquakes, and ___________. Positive: 1. ________________ ___ _____ ________ - Lava flow can create new land like the Hawaiian Islands Tsunami Tsunamis are giant ocean ________ caused by earthquakes, __________ eruptions, meteorite impact, or underwater ___________. Tsunamis often come to shore as a _________ rising turbulent surge of debris filled ______. Effects of Tsunamis on the Environment _________ __ ________ _______ - drowning __________ ________________ ____ _________ ________ - brings in salt water; causes sewers to overflow; carries debris and chemicals ______ ___ _______ ___ ________ ___________ - rushing water sweeps away buildings, cars, homes, and trees ________ from broken gas lines.