Crop Protection Council Implementation Working Group Kick Off Meeting November 2017
Background Survey of CP Council members identified pain points that had a common thread of: Consistent implementation of messages Compliance to business rules Creating an on-going working group to act as a forum for discussion on issues brought forward by the wider Council.
Working Group Charter Review CPC Implementation Working Group Charter Draft Is the scope appropriate? Changes to purpose statement? Changes to responsibility? Consensus of charter to move to Council approval
Working Group Logistics Chairperson tenure length? Next Chairperson selection method? Regularity of Working Group meetings? Method of gathering issues/suggestions from wider Council? Issue prioritization? Working Group Tools/Documents? Additional considerations for the group? Chairperson tenure length? Yearly turn over Next Chair Person Method? Volunteer first? Random selection/work down roster of members Regularity of Working Group meetings? Regular monthly call? Scheduled as needed based on activities? Regular F2F at mid-year and annual meetings? Method of gathering issues/suggestions from wider Council? Working Group email DL Council Meetings during Working Group Update Issue prioritization? How do we reach consensus. Tools/Documents – to be posted to CPC wiki Home page Charter Issue tracker dashboard on wiki Business Use Cases (Crop Nutrition Connectivity WG as example)
Issues/Activities to Prioritize OrderResponse Accept/Reject/Pending status text implementation How to address changes occurring after an ACCEPT response Where should status text be communicated (properties or line level) Requirement for PO number to be tied to order acknowledgment PriceSheet (may be a challenge to discuss) Standardization in zones and pricing All Relevant Messages: How are companies handling ShipTo address for field drop orders? Identification OrderResponse: Field drops orders and how companies are handling Shipto address. Also need to address field identifiers and reality locations currently not identified in AGIIS.
Issues/Activities to Prioritize (cont’d) AGIIS Field identifiers and reality locations not currently identified in AGIIS Message Review Common workaround alignment? Business rule feedback? Future version ideas?