Vocabulary 8 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain- specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. (7.L.6)
Rate the following Words Soiree Reverently Ponderous Morose Tremulous Errant Benevolence Forbearance Incredulous effervescent Latin Bonus Carpe Deim Deus ex Machina I know the word and can explain it I know the word, but can’t explain it I don’t know the word
Soiree (noun) an evening party or gathering, typically in a private house, for conversation or music. You are invited to a holiday soiree on December 24th to listen to festive music and engage in lively conversation.
Reverently (adv) something done in a deeply respectful way. The soldiers reverently folded the flag they had removed from their fallen comrade’s casket. Synonym: respectfully Antonym: rudely
Ponderous Very dull or boring; awkward or unwieldy Synonym: heavy, boring, dreary, plodding, tedious. He struggled to stay away during the ponderous sermon.
Morose (adj) Many of Emily Dickenson’s poems can be considered morose. gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood. Synonym: sullen, sulky, gloomy, moody, melancholy Many of Emily Dickenson’s poems can be considered morose. Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality.
Tremulous (adj) shaking slightly especially because of nervousness, weakness, or illness His tremulous countenance betrayed his attempt to appear courageous.
Errant (adj) straying outside the proper path or bounds (an errant calf) moving about aimlessly or irregularly (an errant breeze) behaving wrongly (an errant child) Despite being disciplined, the errant child would not repent. Synonym: wayward, delinquent, naughty
Benevolence (noun) any kind act, but it can also describe the desire to do nice things. Kayla Mueller was known for her benevolence, which is why her murder was particularly heinous.
Forbearance (noun) patient self-control; restraint and tolerance. Synonym: tolerance, patience We should meet abuse with forbearance. Human nature is so constituted that if we take absolutely no notice of anger or abuse, the person indulging in it will soon weary of it and stop. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Incredulous (adj) unwilling or unable to believe something. The astronomers of Galileo’s day were incredulous to the idea of Heliocentrism (earth and planets revolve around the sun); they believed that the earth was the center of the universe. Synonym: skeptical, unbelieving
effervescent (of a liquid) giving off bubbles; fizzy. vivacious and enthusiastic. (vivacious and effervescent young people) Some people are more likely to take vitamins if they come in an effervescent form.
deus ex machina God from the machine -- a term meaning a conflict is resolved in improbable or implausible ways Used by Poe, Shakespeare, Homer, Mark Twain, J. R. R. Tolkien and more In J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, some consider the rescue of Frodo and Sam by the Eagles a deus ex machina Stephen King's Dark Tower series contains a particularly explicit deus ex machina — the author himself (who is introduced as a character in the plot) writes a note that is absorbed into the protagonist's world and appears in time to help rescue Susannah and Roland from a seemingly hopeless situation in the final book. The note itself contains the words "Here comes the deus ex machina". Deus ex Machina "Deus Ex Machina." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
Make a connection! What is something you would treat or do reverently? Is there a situation you are in that requires forbearance? Have you ever been incredulous about something? Do you know an errant child? Have you been an errant child? What is your favorite effervescent drink? Can you remember a time when someone showed you benevolence? Have you ever seen hands that were tremulous? Do overcast days cause you to feel morose? What activity or assignment would be ponderous for you? Does your family usually have a soiree around the holidays? Have you ever read a story or saw a movie that resolved a conflict with “Deus ex machina”?