C++ Based Applications Dr. Bhargavi Goswami Department of Computer Science Christ University Bangalore. bhargavigoswami@gmail.com 9426669020
Languages C++ D Java JavaScript Perl Unix C Shell PHP Python C#
Gaming & Tools Maya 3D S/w Unreal Engine Dhoom 3 Bouncing Ball Archery Chess, Snake & Ladder Mind Reader TicTacToe Rattle Snake
Browser Internet Explorer Chrome Mozilla Firefox Safari Netscape Navigator Opera
Corel Office/ Word Perfect Office Products Microsoft Office Apache Open Office Corel Office/ Word Perfect
Email client s/w Microsoft Outlook IBM Lotus Notes Mozilla Thunder bird
WEbsite Facebook Youtube Amazon Paypal
Database MySQL Microsoft SQL Server Oracle Database SAP DB/ MAXDB
Compilers Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Microsoft Visual Basic Compiler Microsoft Visual C# Compiler Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Multimedia s/w Winamp Windows Media Player Apple ipod VLC Media Player
Acrobat Reader/ Distiller Adobe s/w Photoshop Image Ready Illustrator Acrobat Reader/ Distiller InDesign GoLive
Research & Development TCP/IP K Maps MATLAB Network Simulation 2,3 Internet of Things (IoT) Google’s Go Lang Mininet SDN New Framework Design Image Processing Frameworks Notepad++ .NET Framework GSM / CDMA Mobile Gateway
Apple IOKit Device Drivers Operating system Unix Kernel Microsoft Windows Assembly Language Utilities Android Embedded Systems APIs Apple Finder Apple IOKit Device Drivers
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