Infancy: Socio-emotional development Chapter 4 Infancy: Socio-emotional development
Attachment John Bowlby There is a critical period for attachment It is a function of the survival instinct Threats can be perceived by our internal mental state Threats can be evoked by the external environmental factors Melanie Klein: Emphasized mother bond
Attachment features Social smile Social referencing Stranger anxiety Bidirectionality Synchrony
Attachment Styles Secure Insecure Avoidant Disorganized Anxious-ambivalent
School programs Head Start Early Head Start Federal program of quality day care to children ages 3-5 Preparation for kindergarten Early Head Start Federal program of counseling and services to low-income parents of children under age 3
Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages
Goodness-of-fit Arrange the child’s environment consistent with her/his temperament Minimize vulnerabilities Accentuate strengths