Properties of crude oil Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering By: Bilal Shams Memon Properties of crude oil
API Gravity (Degrees) = (141 .5/Sp. Gr.) – 131 .5 API – American Petroleum Institue. API gravity – a measure of oil density; related to specific gravity by following formula: API Gravity (Degrees) = (141 .5/Sp. Gr.) – 131 .5 API gravity determines crude oil worth. 10⁰Api = 1 Sp. Gr. Less dense oil (higher API gravity); being the most valuable.
2. Bubble point pressure Pressure at which first gas is liberated from the reservoir oil upon isothermal pressure reduction @ reservoir temperature. ‘Pb’ (saturation pressure)
3. Formation volume factor Reservoir volume occupied per volume of tank oil and its dissolved gas. ‘Bo’. This quantity is always greater than 1.
4. Solution gas oil ratio Number of standard cubic feet of gas dissolved per barrel of tank oil.
5. Oil viscosity ‘µo