Week 12- Project week 3 - Diffusion Today: The Presentation. The Report. The Solution.
The Presentation. Powerpoint presentation by each team. 10 minutes maximum per team Should have title page with a title, team name and team members listed. Objective slide – “Construct a computer program in Matlab to -------------” General, brief, background on carbon going into steel, for example why is it done?
The Presentation 2. Describe the structure of program. Must be able to run program from a set of inputs. Teams e-mail to me, rbrown@egr.uri.edu the Powerpoint presentation and the program so they can be on my laptop before class. No later than 11.00am on Thursday April 24, 2008. Also bring the program and presentation on a memory stick – good professional practice. Grading – each team will grade the others presentation. 1-5 score on quality, organization, clarity, professionalism, and effectiveness.
Grading - 1 EGR 105 Presentation Grading Form Team Presenting:- Grading – each team will grade the others presentation. 1-5 score on quality, organization, clarity, professionalism, and effectiveness. 5 good to 1 poor. Organization :- Well Organized to Poorly Organized Presentation a Team presentation:- All members participated? c Visual Presentation. Visuals:- Good, readable, to poor design, too much or too little information c Title Slide with team name and members:- All information provided? c Objective Slide:- Clearly provided objective? c General Introduction:- Clear brief overview of project? c Program description:- Explain program structure? c Conclusion:- Clear concise conclusion? c
Grading – 2 Program Ran to Provide Output? c Vocal Presentation. Vocals:- Clearly spoken to unclear c Rate of speech:- Well paced to too fast or too slow c Delivery style:- Spoke to audience(good) or read from screen(bad) c Time Useage :- Well timed to under/over time c Manner:- Professional to sloppy, disinterested c Questions:- Answered properly to impolite, avoidance. c Program Ran to Provide Output? c
The Report A report must be submitted by the team during class on April 24th, 2008. Expand on Powerpoint presentation. Show program. Show examples of program output.
The Program Part I - Calculation of time.
Program – Part 2 Plotting This can be attached to the first part by “copy and paste” to run as a single program.
Function diffusionC This function needs to be in the same Matlab “Current Directory” as the program that calls the function. function D=diffusionC(T);