CSCI 3328 Object Oriented Programming in C# Review: Exam II UTPA – Fall 2012 Part of the slides is from Dr. John Abraham’s previous lecture slides. – Xiang Lian
Review Textbook Lecture slides Self-Review Exercises Quick Quiz Control structure II Methods Arrays LINQ
Review Multiple Choices True/False Statements Programming Find bugs Write the code
Chapter 5: Control Structure (Part II) More control structures Repetition statements for, while, do … while Usage of break and continue statements Selection switch Logical operators
Chapter 6: Methods Declaration and call of methods Static methods Passing by values and references in methods ref vs. out Method overloading Method signature Basic classes/functions Math Math.Sqrt(x), Math.Floor(x), Math.Ceiling(x), … Math.PI, Math.E Random How to generate random numbers Next function
Chapter 7: Arrays Declaration and usage of arrays Index Length Initialization and reference to elements of the array Initializer list Passing arrays to methods By reference and by value Usage of the foreach statement to iterate through elements in the array
Chapter 7: Arrays (cont'd) Sorting data in arrays Array.Sort(arrayName) Search Linear search Binary search int index = Array.BinarySearch(array, value); Copying an array Array.Copy(fromArray, fromIndex, toArray, to Index, length); The declaration and usage of rectangular arrays Index
Chapter 8: Introduction to LINQ and Collections Write filtering statements using LINQ The usage of LINQ to query an array Sort an array using LINQ ascending (default) descending Manipulate collections (e.g., List) by LINQ Functions: Distinct() Any()
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