Report from the HLG-BAS: From vision to strategy Steven Vale UNECE
Background HLG-BAS created by the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians in 2010 Mission: To oversee and guide discussions on developments in the business architecture of the statistical production process, including methodological and information technology aspects
HLG-BAS Members Netherlands - Gosse van der Veen (Chairman) Australia - Brian Pink Italy - Enrico Giovannini Slovenia - Irena Krizman United States - Katherine Wallman Eurostat - Walter Radermacher OECD – Martine Durand UNECE - Lidia Bratanova Observers METIS – Alice Born (Canada) MSIS – Rune Gløersen (Norway) SAB – Marton Vucsan (Netherlands)
High Level Group Vision: We have to re-invent our products and processes and adapt to a changed world
The Challenges are too big for statistical organisations to tackle on their own. We need to work together
Industrialise statistical production Statistical Concepts Information Concepts conceptual GSBPM GSIM Common Generic Industrial Statistics Methods Technology practical Statistical HowTo Production HowTo
Developing a strategy Transform vision to reality New products Integrated processes Plug and play architecture – GSBPM & GSIM Changing organisations to support collaboration How to define success?
Next steps 31 October / 1 November: Workshop for representatives of 27 expert groups to develop the strategy and improve coordination June 2012: Strategy presented to Conference of European Statisticians
Questions. steven. vale@unece. org http://www1. unece