Mediterranean Societies Rome Mediterranean Societies
The Etruscans and Rome Romulus and Remus- legendary twins rescued by she-wolf Founded Rome in 753 BCE Etruscans dominate Italy from 8th-5th centuries BCE Rome on the Tiber River
Roman Republic Roman nobility deposed last Etruscan king- 509 BCE Republican constitution- two consuls elected by assembly Civil Military Patricians dominate assembly Senate advises consuls and approves major decisions Senate and consuls represent interests of patricians
Roman Republic Class conflict between patricians and plebeians Patricians grant plebeians the right to elect tribunes- represent plebeian interests with power to intervene and veto decisions Constitutional compromises helped ease class tensions Civil or military crisis met by appointing a temporary dictator Roman constitution maintains stable society
Roman Republic Rome consolidates position into large regional state Expand influence throughout Mediterranean Basin Conflict with Carthage (Punic Wars) and Hellenistic realms Spoiler Alert: Rome wins Rome becomes superior power in eastern and western Mediterranean
Expansion and Problems Gracchi brothers support land redistribution- both assassinated Military commanders recruit rural and urban poor- very loyal armies Gaius Marius- advocated land redistribution Conservative aristocratic class supports general Lucius Cornelius Sulla Civil War Slaughter/executions Property seized Poor classes weakened, wealthy strengthened
The Roman Empire Julius Caesar- popular social reformer and conqueror (conquest of Gaul) Seized Rome in 49 BCE DFL- “Dictator for Life” 46 BCE Social reforms and centralized control Assassinated in 44 BCE #DFLfail Civil conflict
The Roman Empire Octavian (DFL’s nephew) ends civil unrest Senate gives him new name, Augustus- 27 BCE Monarchy disguised as republic Created new standing army Imperial institutions take root Dies 14 CE Rome expands into Mediterranean basin, western Europe, down Nile to Kush Pax romana- Roman Peace, for 25o years Roman roads-> postal system Roman law- Twelve Tables (450 BCE)
The Roman Economy Latifundia- large land estates or ranches typically worked by slaves Owners focus on specialized production for export Mediterranean trade Sea lanes link ports around Mediterranean Roman navy keeps sea free of pirates Communication and exchange
The Roman Economy City of Rome Wealth fuels urban development Statues, pools, fountains, arches, temples, stadiums reflect Roman affluence First use on concrete for construction Attracted immigrants Baths, pools, gymnasiums, circuses, stadiums, amphitheaters
Roman Society Family Wealth and social change Pater familias- eldest male rules family Women have considerable influence- supervise family business and wealthy estates Wealth and social change Newly rich classes build lavish houses Cultivators and urban subsist Poor classes riot for change Subsidized grain and public entertainment
Roman Society Slavery 1/3 of population Spartacus’s uprising in 73 BCE Urban slaves saw better conditions than country slaves Domestic or commercial work Possibility of being freed
Religions of Rome Greek philosophy and religions of salvation Roman deities: gods, goddesses, household gods Stoicism- universal moral standards based on nature and reason that transcend local ethical codes Virtue through knowledge Appealed to Roman intellectuals (Cicero) Salvation and afterlife gives sense of purpose Roman roads facilitate spreading religious ideas
Religions of Rome Mithraism- associated with military virtues of strength, courage, and discipline Appealed to military Purposeful moral behavior Men only Cult of Isis Men and women Most popular before Christianity Gods and Godesses nurture and help people
Religions of Rome Judaism and Christianity Monotheistic Jews see state cults as blasphemy Essenes- sect of Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls Community and strict moral code Seek salvation from Roman rule Jesus of Nazareth Charismatic Jewish teacher Devotion to God and love from human beings Attracted large crowds- miracles and oration “The kingdom of God is at hand”- alarms Romans Crucified in early 30s CE “Christ” the anointed one
Religions of Rome Judaism and Christianity New Testament and Old Testament becomes holy book of Christianity Paul of Tarsus- principle figure in spreading Christianity Rapid growth of Christianity Strong appeal to lower classes, urban population, and women Most influential faith in Mediterranean by 200s CE