The world prompts This is a useful prompt to ensure that the world is covered and taught effectively towards the early learning goals.
The World Provide opportunities for the children to record their observations and explore their natural environment e.g. a digging area, forest school, flower beds, mud kitchen. Encourage them to explore their immediate by introducing technology such as magnifiers, cameras and recorders. Class mascot, toy to take turns to go home with a pupil for the weekend. Set them a challenge and ask the child to bring in some artefacts, pictures, drawings of what they did at home. This will give the children the opportunity to talk about personal events and compare them with others. Create a class display promoting home life and experiences. Encourage the children to add their experiences to the display and talk about the differences amongst the class. Combine the home life display with the class mascots travels Encourage children to make maps, sketches, record observations and compare localities by providing local trips, sensory walks and outings to explore different environments. Include a wide range of information texts available in the setting and at each station within the classroom. for examples- animal, flower, bug, place and weather books. The World Children know about the similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one anther. They make observations of animals plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. Introduce a class pet or plant. Discuss ways to look after it and explore different habitats and environments. Talk about observations, similarities, differences and change.