Iowa Superintendents Network Learning Day October 27, 2014 Indianola Middle School
Today at a glance… Welcome! Lunch…I have a dream… Statewide Network New NLOW training/practice (Team Iowa) Applying NLOW (Pam Vogel and the East Union Team) Processing NLOW – Strengths/Challenges/Support (Dave Markward and all the ships at sea) Getting ready for our visit tomorrow (Art Sathoff) A few things…(Dave Markward)
I have a dream that by the end of this year the Statewide Superintendents Network will…
NLOW NLOW training and practice – Team Iowa
Part I: Small Group (30 minutes) Set up three charts, one for each Focus Question Share observations of each classroom Post evidence for each of the 3 questions Organize sticky notes into categories of similar characteristics and label each category Develop summary statements based upon patterns you see in the data Focus Q 1 Focus Q 2 Focus Q 3 Categories Summary Statements Summary Statements 12:10-12:45
Part II of Debrief Process: Analyze Partner Groups (45 minutes) >Designate a facilitator, recorder, and reporter (make chart 4) Share summary statements from last activity Do you see similar patterns? How are summary statements alike/different? Share patterns (both similarities and differences) with large group Examine the observations about consistencies across the whole group. What themes do you notice? What trends are emerging? Reporter shares with partner group; then large group 12:45-1:30
Part III of Debrief Process: NLOW/ Creating Tighter Connections between Patterns and Recommendations: Large group reaches consensus on patterns
Indianola MS Team Process Which of these observed patterns have particular high leverage for the hosts? In other words, if we could shift this pattern of practice, we believe it would be consequential for student learning.
Consider Organizational Structures/Capacity to Support Instructional Improvement: Facilitators lead small group discussions What systems and structures are in place? Instructional Leadership Teaming Use of Data Professional Learning Think-Talk: How are these used?
Brainstorm Ideas for NLOW in Whole Group: Suggestions are made as a whole group Participants select a topic group based on their experience and expertise Move into Topic Groups of 4-5
Developmental view of improvement
Root Cause Analysis (5 Whys is one root cause analysis protocol) Try to identify the root explanations for a problem or symptom Identify various perspectives on a problem/symptom Determine how various causes relate to each other Determine which causes are within our locus of control for improvement
5 Why’s Protocol Pattern Why? Why
All students doing same activity Easier way to handle a big group Teachers have more control over student learning Teachers want to make sure they accomplish certain learning goals Teachers believe this is the expectation in school Parents reinforce this belief Not enough time to plan lessons- easier to plan for one group activity There are a lot of other responsibilities- documentation Not sharing the work, every teacher do everything, not work in teams Not used to working in teams Don’t know how to share work across teams - Teachers worry that they might not be able to answer if go too wide Might lack confidence in selves as teachers To stay true to the teams plan Have good results so why change 5 Whys Protocol Example from a school visit at school with a problem of practice related to the challenges of differentiating learning for students.
In Topic Groups: Make a Learning Plan with the goal of shifting this pattern of practice Begin with what is your Hypothesis of why this pattern exists (Five Whys) Therefore, what ADULT learning should you focus on at the school level? System level?
Ask: What do we (teachers) need to know and be able to do for this NLOW? What do we (administrators) need to know and be able to do for this NLOW? How will we support this learning…next week, next month, next year? How will we follow up with this work?
Instructional practices Organizational practices Consider: Leadership Instructional practices Organizational practices 2:30-3:00
To what degree will our NLOW suggestions be helpful to the host school/system and to the network? Focuses on shifting or building on a pattern of practice Responds to the problem of practice Identifies who the learners are Identifies specifically what learning needs to happen Names an explicit ways to support that learning Builds from the structures and resources that exist
East Union TOA If students understand the learning target and make connections between what the classroom work and the real world, students will be more motivated and focused and learning will be increased.
East Union POP Our students are not seeing the connection between academic work and the “real world”. As a result, much of the work is of poor quality and our students are often unmotivated and unfocused. Lessons are not consistently meeting the motivational and learning needs of students.
East Union Focusing Questions What is the instructional task that the teacher is asking of students? What evidence do you see that students understand the learning target(s) of the lesson and it connects to the real world?
East Union “High Leverage*” Patterns 1. Little observed evidence of common expectations/focus/consistency for teachers across all classroom settings. 2. Few examples of rigor and relevance through alignment to the Iowa core 3. The use of student learning data to personalize individual and small group learning not observed 4. Few examples of checking often for student understanding and using data to inform instruction. *Among the patterns identified, the East Union Team selected these as being most likely to leverage the changes they are seeking.
East Union Response to Patterns 1. There should be common expectations/focus/consistency for teachers across all classroom settings. (High Leverage) 2. Consider what possible additional ways to integrate rigor and relevance through alignment to the Iowa core. (High Leverage) 3. Use student learning data to personalize individual and small group learning. (Quick Win) 4. Have staff check often for student understanding and use data to inform instruction.
Root Cause Analysis (5 Whys is one root cause analysis protocol) Try to identify the root explanations for a problem or symptom Identify various perspectives on a problem/symptom Determine how various causes relate to each other Determine which causes are within our locus of control for improvement
5 Why’s Protocol Pattern Why? Why
All students doing same activity Easier way to handle a big group Teachers have more control over student learning Teachers want to make sure they accomplish certain learning goals Teachers believe this is the expectation in school Parents reinforce this belief Not enough time to plan lessons- easier to plan for one group activity There are a lot of other responsibilities- documentation Not sharing the work, every teacher do everything, not work in teams Not used to working in teams Don’t know how to share work across teams - Teachers worry that they might not be able to answer if go too wide Might lack confidence in selves as teachers To stay true to the teams plan Have good results so why change 5 Whys Protocol Example from a school visit at school with a problem of practice related to the challenges of differentiating learning for students.
Regarding the expanded version of NLOW… What are the strengths? What are the challenges? How can we support each other? What do we need to know before we engage in our visit tomorrow to help Art and his team?
Art Sathoff and the Indianola Team: Preparing for our visit.
A few things… Rounds training available on request Network Commitments Local Rounds Schedule Webinars – 9:00 a.m November 12 January 14 February 11 March 11 Statewide Meeting for Superintendents and Facilitators – April 10 – Hilton Garden - Johnston
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