Definition Currency Effect KA/Group Business Control
Document Information Title: Definition Currency Effect Description: Responsible: KA/Ruth Forsström Valid as of: 1 September 2012
Currency effect calculation for orderintake and invoicing The currency effect is calculated by using this years values in local currency translated to SEK with last years monthly average rate. This value is compared with this year’s original SEK values The difference expressed in % is the impact that the rates have had on your base data
Example of Currency Effect Example on calculation of currency effect in SEK M and % This Year This Year This Year Last Year Comprate Actual Curr USD Actual Curr USD 100(LC) 6.50 650(SEK M) 7.10 710 (SEK M) Currency effect in SEK M: - 60 (650-710) Currency effect in %: -8% ((650/710)-1)