Digestive System Chapter 14
Digestive overview primary function is digestion of food & absorption of nutrients
Anatomy of GI tract the walls of the tract composed of 4 layers of tissue 1. mucosa 2. submucosa
Anatomy of GI tract 3. muscularis
Anatomy of GI tract 4. serosa
Anatomy of GI tract
Muscularis of stomach
Movement of GI tract peristalsis segmentation
peristalsis segmentation
Digestion is a 4 part process Ingestion Digestion Absorption Elimination
Ingestion food is taken into body by mouth
Digestion physical & chemical breakdown of food into absorbable molecules stomach small intestine pancreas liver
Absorption mostly occurs in small intestine villi, microvilli
Small intestine
What causes gas & the toots?
Elimination Elimination: indigestibles are discarded as waste products
A few words about poop Composition, on average is about . . .
Obesity (epidemic??)
Obesity, continued Hormone leptin
Health effects of obesity Body has a harder time maintaining homeostasis & some effects are: