What problems do the FA have now?
Labour Turnover Causes Problems How to improve labour turnover
Labour Turnover No of staff leaving organisation Total no of employees X 100 = z %
Causes of labour turnover INTERNAL EXTERNAL Poor leadership Poor working conditions & unpopular practices Better paid or more interesting alternative jobs available Poor communication Labour Turnover More flexible options available e.g. homeworking, closer to home, flexi-time Uncompetitive pay & benefits Poor recruitment decisions Boring, repetitive work Low morale from all these issues
The problems of high labour turnover Higher induction & training costs Higher recruitment costs A need to redesign jobs (to make them easier to train new staff to do) Lower productivity Low morale amongst remaining workforce
Improving Labour Turnover Monitor & Benchmark Exit Interviews Get recruitment decisions right Improve induction & training Focus on long-term employees
But don’t forget… New ideas “new blood” Clear out poor performers Labour Turnover has positives: It is less of an issue for some industries New ideas “new blood” Clear out poor performers Jobs are designed to make it easy to train people (e.g. McDonalds) Work is seasonal e.g. holiday jobs in seaside resorts