ELEMENTS OF FOLK LITERATURE Deidre Lovett Lake Cormorant Middle school 7th grade ELA
What is Folk Literature? Folk Literature is a genre of writing that has its roots in the oral tradition. The Oral Tradition – stories were told long before reading and writing began. and shared by word of mouth. Importance of the Storyteller – Stories in the oral tradition were created thousands of years ago. Stories are passed down from generation to generation by mouth. New storytellers added and changed details to reflect their roots and cultural perspective, or view of the world. Theme – is the central idea, message, or insight about life that a story conveys. Universal themes – themes that are repeated across many cultures and over many time periods. Moral of the story – is a lesson about life that is stated directly, usually at the very end of the work.
Purpose of Folk Literature The purpose of a piece of literature is the reason it was written. The purpose of some forms of folk literature may be to explain or teach. For example, a myth may explain a natural phenomenon, and a fable may teach a lesson about life. Other types of folk literature may have the simple purpose of entertaining readers.
Forms of Folk Literature Myths – are tales that relate the actions of gods, goddesses, and heroes who interact with them. Legends – are traditional stories based on real-life events. Tall tales – often focus on a central hero who performs impossible feats. Folk tales – may deal with real people or magical characters. Fables – are brief stories or poems that often feature animal characters who act and speak like humans. Epics are long narrative poems important to the history of a nation or culture. They tell of a larger-tan-life hero who goes on a dangerous journey, or quest.
Characteristics of Folk Literature Heros and heroines Quest Trickter Personification Hyperbole Dialect