Resolutions to orphan comments May 2010 doc.: IEEE 11-10-0609-00-000s May 2010 Resolutions to orphan comments Date: 2010-05-18 Authors: Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al. Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
May 2010 doc.: IEEE 11-10-0609-00-000s May 2010 Abstract We provide resolutions to several comments that have not been assigned for review so far. Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al. Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
May 2010 G-CC comments, CID 3058 & 3349 3058 Chaplin, Clint "The Congestion Control Notification frame is used to indicate its congestion status to its neighbor peer mesh STA(s)." What is "its" referring to? The frame? A STA? Specify what "its" is. Accept In document 802.11s/D5.0 change the sentence in line 34 - 35 on page 76 from: "The Congestion Control Notification frame is used to indicate its congestion status to its neighbor peer mesh STA(s)." to "A mesh STA uses the Congestion Control Notification frame to indicate its congestion status to its neighbor peer mesh STA(s)." 3349 Bahr, Michael I would doubt that it is (architecturally) possible to pass information elements from the SME to the MLME. Split the parameter "Congestion Notification" into the separate parameters that are necessary to compile the Congestion Notification element. Reject Clause of 802.11-2007 describes the MLME-SCAN.request. The latter includes a set of information elements. 802.11k provides another example. 802.11k extends the MLME-SCAN.request and adds further elements. Also, an SME passes elements not total information elements. Accordingly, there is no need to specify each single field that the SME indicates to the MLME. Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
May 2010 G-Base comment, CID 3125 Replace figure s1 with the figure on this page Accept comment Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
May 2010 G-Base comment, CID 3126 Replace figure s1 with the figure on this page Accept comment Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
R-MeshGate comments, CID 3419, 3028, and 3199 May 2010 R-MeshGate comments, CID 3419, 3028, and 3199 3419 Bahr, Michael How can a mesh STA determine that a mesh gate that connects the MBSS to the DS is connected to the Internet (something which is exclusively specified by the IETF)? delete the included text. Reject 802.11u/D8.0 provides a similar announcement for APs. The decision when to set this bit is out of scope of this document. To announce Internet connectivity may be based on administrative settings. 3028 "mesh STA collocated with a mesh gate" would require two mesh stations. According to the definition is a mesh gate a mesh station that has access to the distribution system. So, no collocation, and only one mesh STA :-) Delete "a mesh STA collocated with". Replace "mesh STA collocated with a mesh gate" with "mesh gate" throughout the whole draft D5.0. Counter Change the definition of the mesh gate as follows: “The logical point at which the delivery of medium access control (MAC) service data units (MSDUs) between two or more MBSSs and/or one or more non-IEEE-802.11 local area network (LAN) is provided.” 3199 Sakoda, Kazuyuki "A Gate Role bit equal to 1 indicates that the Root Mesh STA Address is a mesh gate." should read "A Gate Role bit equal to 1 indicates that the root mesh STA is collocated with a mesh gate." As in comment. Accept Relates to CID 3028. Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
G-Def, CID 3182 May 2010 Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al. 3182 Sakoda, Kazuyuki The definition of mesh gate reads "a mesh STA that has access to the distribution system." However, mesh gate is not a mesh STA but a collocated entity with mesh STA. Replace the definition with "The logical point that has an access to the mesh BSS and distribution system." Counter See CID 3028 Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
G-Def, CID 3181 May 2010 Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al. 3181 Sakoda, Kazuyuki The definition of mesh BSS reads "A basic service set (BSS) that forms a self-contained network of mesh stations (mesh STAs), and which may be used as a distribution system (DS)." This sounds contradication with the drawing shown in figure s1. Replace the definition with "A basic service set (BSS) that forms a self-contained network of mesh stations (mesh STAs) which may have an acess to distribution system (DS). Inside the mesh BSS, STAs can establish peer-to-peer wireless links and transfer messages mutually using multi-hop capability." Counter Replace the definition of the MBSS with “mesh basic service set (MBSS): A basic service set (BSS) that forms a self-contained network of mesh stations (mesh STAs). An MBSS contains one or more mesh gates.” Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
G-General, CID 3183 May 2010 Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al. 3183 Sakoda, Kazuyuki This paragraph is very unclear. Needs to be rewritten. Replace the pargraph with the following text. "An example network deployment including mesh BSSs and infrastructure BSSs is illustrated in Figure s1 (Example MBSS containing mesh STAs, mesh gates, APs, and portals). A set of mesh STAs forms mesh BSS and transfer messages mutually. A mesh BSS may have an acess to the distribution system via mesh gate. Mesh gate enables mesh STAs in the mesh BSS to access to the external networks." Counter The current text borrows language from the 802.11-2007 standard. To address the commenter's concern we replace the first paragraph with the following: “Example mesh and infrastructure BSSs are illustrated in Figure s1 (Example MBSS containing mesh STAs,mesh gates, APs, and portals). Only mesh STAs participate in mesh functionalities such as formation of the mesh BSS, path selection and forwarding. Instead of existing independently, a mesh BSS may also access the Distribution System (DS). To integrate the MBSS with the DS, other MBSSs, or a traditional wired LAN, a final logical architectural component is introduced—a mesh gate. A mesh gate is the logical point at which MSDUs from an MBSS enter the IEEE 802.11 DS. For example, a mesh gate is shown in Figure s1 connecting different MBSSs to the DS.” Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.
R-MeshGate, CID 3241 May 2010 Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al. 3241 Sakoda, Kazuyuki How the broadcast loops can be elimnated is not described at all. It should be described somewhere even if it may be beyond the scope of TGs partially. Add the recommended practice kind of text somewhere in Annex. Counter Replace the second paragraph in 11C.8.1 with the following: “An MBSS may contain one or more mesh gates. In this case, the MBSS has more than one “port” (in the sense of IEEE Std 802.1D, for example) through which it accesses the DS. Accordingly, broadcast loops may occur. To prevent the loop, mesh gates should implement the IEEE 802.1D bridging protocol in the DS.” Guido R. Hiertz, Philips et al.