People with Disabilities 60-100: Excellent Participation Voter Participation in 2016 for People with Disabilities: State Score Card State Voter Participation: People with Disabilities Nebraska 74.3 Colorado 71.7 Maine 70.2 Montana 68.0 Arizona 66.5 New Hampshire 66.1 Illinois 65.8 Idaho 64.5 Connecticut 64.3 North Carolina 63.4 Wisconsin 62.2 Michigan 61.9 Utah 61.1 Mississippi 60.9 Washington 59.7 Maryland 55.8 Alaska 55.2 North Dakota Washington DC 55.0 Massachusetts 54.3 Florida 53.0 Minnesota 52.6 New Jersey 52.4 Nevada 51.7 Georgia 51.0 Vermont 50.6 Virginia 50.2 Iowa 47.8 Missouri 47.4 Wyoming 44.8 New Mexico 44.7 Hawaii 44.1 Pennsylvania Oregon 43.7 Ohio 42.4 Kansas 42.1 Delaware California 40.8 South Dakota 40.0 Oklahoma 39.7 Texas 39.3 Arkansas 38.7 South Carolina 37.3 Rhode Island 36.5 Indiana 35.4 New York 34.3 Louisiana 33.2 Alabama 31.7 Tennessee 31.1 West Virginia 28.9 Kentucky 22.6 Voter participation for people with disabilities is standardized and converted into a 0-100 scale showing state’s voter turn out for the 2016 national election: High scores closer to 100 indicate a good voter turn out for people with disabilities in the state Low scores closer to 0 indicate a poor voter turn out for people with disabilities. Scores are shaded with a color gradient with light orange used for high scores and dark orange for low scores. The Americans with Disabilities Act Participation Action Research Consortium (ADA-PARC) is a collaborative national project to examine participation disparities experienced by people with disabilities in 3 major areas: Community Living, Community Participation, and Work & Economics. For more information about participation disparities for people with disabilities visit ADAPARC.ORG Key: 60-100: Excellent Participation 50-60: Good Participation 40-50: Fair Participation 0-40: Poor Participation This slide shows the many collaborators involved in ADA PARC, including all ten ADA Centers (Southwest, Southeast, Great Lakes, Pacific, Rocky Mountain, Mid Atlantic, Northwest, Great Plains, Northeast and New England ADA Centers), The ADA National Network KT Center, and four universities & research organizations (TIRR Memorial Hermann, The University of Illinois at Chicago, Syracuse University and the University of Northern Colorado) that have come together to document participation disparities and opportunities in ways that can be used by the community to take action. For more information on how scores are computed, contact the PIs: Lex Frieden at and Joy Hammel at For access to data utilized for benchmarking refer to Fact Sheet: Disability and Voter Turnout in the 2016 Elections by Lisa Schur and Douglas Kruse at Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations go to *Data for Puerto Rico not available ADA-PARC is funded by the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) under grants 90DP0026 and 90DPAD0001