How early implementation of the Smart City model supports the Smart Specialization strategy in the region of Cantabria. Tuesday, September 18, 2012 Sustained Contribution of Cantabria Region to the goals of the Digital Agenda and Innovation Europe.
Regional innovation strategies for smart specialisation involve a transformation agenda based on four Cs*: Choices: the selection of a few investment priorities based on a process of entrepreneurial discovery to identify promising areas for specialization. Competitive advantage: build on current regional economic specialisation and mobilise talent by matching RTD+i and business needs and capacities. Critical mass: develop world class excellence clusters and provide arenas for related variety and cross sectoral links which drive specialized technological diversification aiming at increased connectivity between regions. Collaborative leadership: collective endeavour involving not only the academic world, public authorities and the business community, but also innovation users. RI InverCantabria is now one of our main tools to articulate the Cantabria Regional Development Strategy, perfectly aligned with future European policies. * Acording to the RSI3 Guide from the EU.
Innovating for Regional Smart Specialisation European Framework Regional Strengths Specializati on InverCantabria It's a new way of working for regional development, guided by encouraging business investment.
3 2 1 From the Global… 120 ideas 51 projects InverCantabria Tourism and Cultural Industry Education and Training Agroforestry Development Health and Biomedicine Energy and Technology 5 4 Strategic areas Results
…to the local SmartGrid. Augmented Reality. NFC. UAV. Smart Santander Tourism and Cultural Industry Education and Training Agroforestry Development Health and Biomedicine Energy and Technology Improve and extend touristic infrastructures. English Immersion Programs. Reinforcement of the International Center of Higher Spanish Studies in Comillas. Enhancement of digital contents for training. Smart Forest Management. Wood Products Industry Modernization. Telemedicine and home remote assistance technologies, devices and services for chronic and elderly patients. Create a new bio cluster.
Case Study: Smart Santander What is Smart Santander about? Smart Santander aims at providing a European experimental test facility for the research and experimentation of architectures, key enabling technologies, services and applications for the Internet of Things (IoT) in the context of the smart city.
How is Smart Santander becoming a reality? Phased roll-out and deployment: Phase 1 November IoT devices Mainly WSN nodes and GWs Basic experimentation support Transport, metering, environment Phase 2 November IoT devices More heterogeneity WSNs, RFID, GW Advanced tools for experimentation TBD Phase 3 August IoT devices Federated with other FIRE facilities Advanced cross-testbed tools TBD Time Scale Resources Facility services Application domains Basis for 1 st call experiments Call publication: Oct 11 Experiments: Jan 12 – Sept 12 Basis for 2 nd call experiments Call publication: Oct 12 Experiments: Dec 12 – Jul 13
User profiles and experiments Typical user profile – Researchers (Future Internet/IoT). – End users (social impact). – Service providers. Types of experiments – Building blocks for IoT architecture and validation. – Impact of IoT on Networks and service layer integration. – Privacy and trust evaluation and user acceptance. – Information aggregation and mining. Policies and conditions – Third party experimentation bounded by contracts, e.g. based on PanLab model. – Open calls for FIRE members based on EC guidelines.
Some of the possibilities are: Static nodes deployed in the city around an IoT multihop backbone network which easily enables the addition of new infrastructures in a plug & play fashion. Mobile nodes mounted on public bus transportation system, taxi fleet, police cars, etc. Participatory sensing supported by group of users committed to the Municipality. Risks associated to users freedom. Multimodal sensing. About the sensing infrastructure
Technologies and services Heterogeneous wireless sensor technology fulfilling the requirements of a hostile outdoor environment – Public buildings - installations – Parks and gardens – Public Transportation - Traffic – Environmental
Scope of the Project Some of the services (already deployed and /or planned) are: Traffic management (parking control, bus stops, loading/unloading areas). Irrigation optimization in parks and gardens. Augmented reality. Public street lighting. Waste management.
Conclusions The tool for the implementation of the smart specialization strategy in Cantabria is INVERCANTABRIA, through its 5 axes. The smart city concept embraces different areas. The most sensitive ones in terms of sustainability are mobility and environment (in the wide sense). Smart Santander means a change of paradigm in the use of ICTs with a decisive impact for citizens and the offer of services at their disposal, as well as for businesses and Administration.
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