Flow diversion concept: placement of a high-mesh density stent (flow diverter) in the parent vessel disrupts blood flow into the aneurysm (A and B), allowing for progressive intra-aneurysmal thrombosis over time with subsequent obliteration of the aneurysm (C and D). Flow diversion concept: placement of a high-mesh density stent (flow diverter) in the parent vessel disrupts blood flow into the aneurysm (A and B), allowing for progressive intra-aneurysmal thrombosis over time with subsequent obliteration of the aneurysm (C and D). Additionally, the flow diverter provides a scaffold for neoendothelialisation, which treats the weakened abnormal arterial wall and isolates the aneurysm from the parent circulation resulting in durable occlusion of the aneurysm (E). Bowen Jiang et al. Stroke Vasc Neurol 2016;svn-2016-000027 Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to http://www.bmj.com/company/products-services/rights-and-licensing/