Learning Goals: I will: 4. Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go above and beyond what was explicitly taught. 3. Knowledge: meeting the learning goals and expectations. 2. Foundational knowledge: simpler procedures, isolated details, vocabulary. 1. Limited knowledge: know very little details but working toward a higher level. I will: understand the properties of different types of galaxies. understand how the universe came to be what we observe today. understand how astronomers use astronomical objects (standard candles) as a distance ladder to estimate the size of the universe and to measure large distances in the universe. understand how astronomers determine the age and size of the universe?.
Hubble’s Constant Lab
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!!! I cannot stress this enough!
Today Step 2 “Choosing your galaxies” Step 3 “Finding the Velocity” Re-read the Introduction for step 2, then read step 3 (on page 4) Finish Step 1 if you didn’t yesterday Step 2 “Choosing your galaxies” Read the procedure to figure out how to correctly choose which galaxies to use Step 3 “Finding the Velocity” Read the Procedure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wont be that hard if you just read the directions completely like I asked! Start with the FIRST line of instructions, and work your way through them one after another I will not answer questions that are answered in the instructions!
These should be done today!
Section 2 Pick your 15 spiral galaxies Some are already picked for you Some are already thrown out for you
Section 3 This looks trickier than it is READ THE INSTRUCTIONS It is all either: subtraction, addition, division or multiplication READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS
If you need help understanding this part…re-read the FYI about Redshift of Spectral Lines from Wednesday
-You should have these filled in by the end of today -You should have these filled in by the end of today. -If you do not…you have to go home, turn on a computer, and complete this over the weekend as homework!!!! -Step 3 has to be finished today, we are doing step 4 Monday!!!!
Go to the “Procedure” And Read “Step 2: Selecting your galaxies When you are done reading, you can begin working