Bringing Telemedicine to Care Homes in Croydon October 2018 Introduction Croydon has the largest care home market of any London council: 131 homes 2,700 beds Between March 2017 and March 2018, care home residents accounted for: More than 2,000 non-elective admissions – 90% of these at Croydon University Hospital 16,000 acute bed days There are normally considerable delays in getting care home resident back to the their home – 2,300 delayed days in 2017/18 (24% of all delayed days). Non-elective admissions for care home residents tend be long – the average acute length of stay for a care home resident in 2017/18 was 11.8 days. National evidence shows that up to a quarter of care home residents will die within 1 year of admission (30% for nursing home residents, 22% for residential home residents). So transforming support to care homes to reduce avoidable admissions and improve quality of life for residents is essential – both for the residents of the borough and for the local health system.
Bringing Telemedicine to Care Homes in Croydon October 2018 What is Telemedicine? Consultant, Specialist nurse and therapy out patient appointments delivered remotely to care home residents Teleconsultation by secure video link between nursing and residential homes and a digital clinical triage Hub. Providing clinical consultation not algorithm based approach like 111. Hub based at an acute Hospital staffed by team of senior clinicians 24/7 Triage and assessment of all requests for GP visits in hours (Additional enhanced service) Fully managed technical service utilizing bespoke lap tops with HD cameras and with 4G SIM or Broadband
Bringing Telemedicine to Care Homes in Croydon October 2018 What are the benefits? New Digital Care Service, providing a 24/7 on demand clinical assessment & support service, delivered using highly secure video technology. Incremental service level, fully funded by the CCG. Clinical support is delivered by an experienced team of NHS clinicians, nurses & therapists, based in a dedicated Digital Care Hub. Clinical team will manage onward referrals, streamlining access to local services, and reducing time from diagnosis to treatment. Increases staff confidence, and helps to improve efficiency. Appreciated by residents, relatives, and carers. Currently deployed in circa 600 homes. Helping us to develop a sustainable local model, that delivers high quality patient outcomes. Helps with CQC discussions
Bringing Telemedicine to Care Homes in Croydon October 2018 What are the benefits?
Bringing Telemedicine to Care Homes in Croydon October 2018 What are the benefits?
Bringing Telemedicine to Care Homes in Croydon October 2018 What are we proposing? Croydon CCG, in collaboration with local partners, intends to do the following: Introduce a telemedicine system to provide more support managing residents ailments in home This would be in approximately 80 homes, to start with This will cover both nursing and residential homes This CCG therefore if offering: To provide all investment to provide the service – care homes don’t have to pay anything (we just ask that you use it!!) To provide long term 24/7 access to HD video clinical consultations (with no ceiling on calls – subject to fair usage) To provide access to all equipment required To provide all support and training, installing and using the service To provide access to ongoing technical and user support
Bringing Telemedicine to Care Homes in Croydon October 2018 What will happen next? We are finalising procurement and planning now There will be a couple of months of mobilisation We will be looking to implement this in home at pace from January onwards We will start with the biggest homes who have the most ambulance call outs and emergency admissions We want to engage with you immediately on planning This is an exciting new service we are looking forward to setting up locally. Please send me questions and we can open dialogue about how we introduce this to your home: