MLA Heading Title: Cultural Images February 4,5 MLA Heading Title: Cultural Images
Respond to the following questions Choose one of the assigned readings from the weebly page to focus on What do you think was most significant about the reading you are choosing How does that reading regard dominant culture’s perception of American Indians What do you find most concerning about the attitude or tone of what you read How does what you read speak both to our history with Native Americans and to the present situation How would you describe dominant American culture’s relationship to Native Americans in 2014.
The past is never dead. It's not even past. Socratic Seminar The past is never dead. It's not even past. William Faulker – Requiem for a Nun Over Arching Question: How have the past experiences of Native Americans influenced our perception of Native Americans today?
How do persistent stereo-types both inform and create cultural tension How do persistent stereo-types both inform and create cultural tension. Why are they problematic and at times paradoxical? What if your culture is marginal and therefore there are few representations of it in the dominant culture. What happens when those representations are typically antiquated and interchangeable? What happens if we replace those stereo-types with new images? What would those images be? How do we prevent them from becoming just as stereotypical?
The Storyteller Think about how Storytelling is addressed in the literature and readings we have explored. Why is telling stories so important in Native American culture historically? Why is it still a powerful concept in their literature today?
How might story telling be used to promote equality, help heal
Taking it further How does the past influence Native American Literature? How does it influence relationships between mainstream American communities and reservations. How do persistent stereo-types both inform and create cultural tension. Why are they problematic and at times paradoxical?