"Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website Teodora Brandmuller Eurostat D2 13-Jul-07
(navigation map, simple and advanced search) Common entry point (navigation map, simple and advanced search) City Profiles Regional Profiles Regional TGM City TGM Oct 2008 "Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website
Common entry point Oct 2008 "Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website
Main tasks in the development work managed by Unit D2 Analysing requirements and drafting the functional specifications; half-day workshop with Unit D2 and other major stakeholders on the potential content Development, testing and implementation of a prototype; Fine-tuning, implementation and testing of a final version; Documentation on the software Oct 2008 "Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website
Planned timetable Kick-off – November 2008 Signature of the contract – End of October 2008 (T) Kick-off – November 2008 Requirement Analysis – T+ 3 months First prototype – T+6 months Oct 2008 "Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website
Regional profiles Oct 2008 "Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website
Short textual profiles on NUTS 2 regions All Member States promised to co-operate Texts arrived from almost all Member States Texts arrived from Croatia and Turkey Oct 2008 "Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website
Thank you for your attention! 13-Jul-07
Stakeholders Stakeholder Type Needs Unit B6 Contributor Integrate the project into Eurostat Internet Site which is the primary means for the dissemination of statistical data and respect the Commission Internet Publishing rules. Avoid double work. Unit D2 (Regional Indicators Team and GISCO Team) Disseminate territorially referenced statistics to encourage the usage and analysis of the statistical information on the European regions and cities. Avoid double work. Other Eurostat units (thematic units collecting regional data, rural development section, etc) Suppliers Data dissemination should be timely and respect the copyright and confidentiality aspects of the data. Metadata should be included. The work "behind the data" should be valorised. Contractor Supplier Contractors are commercially pushed to sell their own products and fulfil the requirements of the contract with the minimum amount of work. National Statistical Institutes, mapping agencies and other data providers (interregional data producers; etc) Suppliers and Users Data dissemination should be timely and respect the copyright and confidentiality aspects of the data. Metadata should be included. The work "behind the data" should be valorised. Conflicting interest may arise if a data producer wishes to sell the data on a profit-oriented basis. Oct 2008 "Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website
Stakeholders Stakeholder Type Needs DG REGIO Users – Policy makers High quality sub- national level data accessible via interactive interfaces, graph/maps which allow to make individual analysis Other Commission DGs (AGRI, ENV, TREN, etc.) Other European Institutions (EESC, COR, ECB etc.) International organizations (OECD; UN; World Bank; IMF) Various levels of government (national, regional, local, etc.) Universities and research institutes Users – Researchers Journalists User High quality sub- national level data presented via user-defined, easily comprehensible graphs/maps/tables. Preferably including forecasts. General public Easily accessible high quality sub- national level data presented via easily comprehensible graphs/maps/tables Oct 2008 "Cities' and Regions' Profiles" website