Leave of Absence/Disability Presenter: Tonya Easterwood Introduction Thank you for joining today’s presentation entitled ______________________.
Go-To-Webinar Overview of Go-To-Webinar Before we get started, I want to review a few housekeeping items and let you know how you can participate in today’s Web event. We’re looking at an example of the Go-To-Webinar Attendee Interface which is made up of two parts. The Viewer Window is where attendees see the presenter’s screen. The Viewer Window can be resized by clicking and dragging the lower right corner. The Control Panel is where attendees can interact with organizers. Move mouse over the Grab Tab You should see something that looks like this on your own computer desktop in the upper right corner. Click 1 Clicking the arrows on the Grab Tab opens and closes the Control Panel. Click 2 The Audio pane provides audio information. (If the organizer has given attendees a choice) There are two options. You can join audio through your computer; select Use Mic & Speakers. Click 3 Click Audio Setup to select your computer speaker or headset devices. Click 4, 5 and 6 You can choose to join audio through your telephone. Select Use Telephone, dial the number listed and enter both the Access Code and Audio PIN when prompted. Click 7 During (at the end, etc.) the presentation, you have the ability to send questions to our Webinar staff through the Questions pane. Simply type in your question and click send. (Optional) At the end of the presentation we will do a Q&A session to answer as many questions as we have time for. Click 8 During the presentation we may ask you to answer a question by raising your hand. This option is located on the Grab Tab. Click 9 and 10 If you prefer to keep your control panel open during the presentation, click View in the top menu and un-check Auto-Hide the Control Panel.
Staff Action LOA Report-ing Setup Web Reports Configure Workflow Management Form Create & View Edit & Extend End & Remove LOA Staff Action Report-ing Setup Once you have completed the session you will have enough knowledge to
HRMS Overview
LEA HRMS Modules Applicant Reporting Communication HRMS Definition The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a web-based software solution specifically designed to meet the human resources (HR) needs of all public school systems in North Carolina. It provides many, but not all, HR information management needs. HRMS is composed of four modules LEA, Applicant, Report Generation and the Communication Site. Today we will be using the LEA Module. HRMS Modules HRMS consists of four modules: LEA, Applicant, Report Generation, and the HRMS Communications Site. The LEA Module is an ever-growing suite of web-based human resources features that reduces paperwork. The Applicant Module is an online job application system where teachers and support staff can find current vacancies and submit a single application for submission to specific school systems or for statewide distribution. The Report Generation Module is a flexible set of management report tools and a variety of ancillary data extraction and manipulation features. The HRMS Communications Site is a central repository for HRMS information.
Getting Started
Types of Leave May Vary I feel sure that every school district has employees who go out on some type of leave. Leaves come in different types: Medical, education, military, worker’s compensation -
Types of Leave May Vary Jury duty, professional, disability, and parental. Now lets get started.
LEA Home Page When entering your schools HRMS website address the LEA homepage will be displayed. Lets get signed in
Logging In Sign onto HRMS as normal with your User Name and Password * Remember your user id and password are case sensitive
Left Panel is Module Navigation Clicking the HRMS Logo will return you to your LEA home page Key contacts information is entered on the LEA configuration page located under the setup module. Your system administrator is responsible for maintaining this information. Administrator Message Announcement – News -
On the LEA home page click Employees and employee page this will take you to the employee picker page
Pick an Employee On the pick employee page there are several options available today we will use the SEARCH by last name.
Enter the last name and click the search button this will display the results based on the information entered.
Here scroll through your results and select the correct employee you want to process. This will populate the employee demographics screen.
Employee Demographics Page The demographics is the beginning point and have a summary of much of the information specific to the employee displayed. From the Employee demographics page go to Staff Actions.
Employee Demographics Page On the staff action drop down select LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The new LEAVE of ABSENCE FORM is using a different server and will begin processing another logon similar to the initial log on for HRMS. You will get another certificate warning.
Leave of Absence Click yes to continue to the new LEAVE OF ABSENCE FORM
LOA/Disability- Overview Form The new leave of absence form is called LEAVE OF ABSENCE/DISABILTIY FORM. The Assignment Information Section (shaded in blue) includes the following read-only information about this employee: Employment Status (current) Pending Status Changes - If this employee has any pending Employment Status Code changes, those changes are displayed, regardless of whether they are Leave/Disability-related or not. If there are no pending Status Changes for this employee, this will not appear on the form If this is a Leave-related Pending Status Change, this serves as a hyperlink to the Leave Details form. Position # (Primary) Position Description (Primary) Site (Primary) View Employee Assignment Details allows the user to check the employee’s assignment information. Active Leaves/Disabilities grid – Displays a list of all current/active Leaves for this employee. Active Leaves are those that have not been ended and the employee has not been reinstated. Leaves remain active (outstanding) regardless of Anticipated End Date until the employee has been reinstated, or the Leave is removed/cancelled or otherwise ended by the LEA. This grid includes the following data fields: Future Leaves/Disabilities grid – Displays a list of all future Leaves/Disabilities for this employee. Future Leaves are those that are active but have an Effective (Start) Date that is after today’s date. Archived Leaves/Disabilities grid – Displays a list of all archived Leaves/Disabilities for this employee. Archived Leaves include all those that are no longer active, either because the employee has been reinstated or the Leave has been cancelled, converted or ended. Special note the active future and archived leaves displayed here only include LOAs that have been entered after this release. Create Leave button – Displayed under the Employee Name and SSN, and is the launching point for creating a new Leave/Disability for the selected employee. Clicking on this button will link the user to the ‘New Leave of Absence/Disability’ form. If the Create Leave button does not appear on the form, but the message below appears, then you cannot create another Leave/Disability for this employee at this time. The system only allows one current and one future Leave per employee at a time. You also cannot create a new Leave for an employee if the current Leave does not contain an Anticipated End Date. NOTE: You cannot create a new leave record now. Either a leave record exists without an anticipated end date, or there are already 2 leaves (1 current and 1 future). Note also that the system does not check archived Leaves records before allowing a new Leave/Disability to be created for an employee. Therefore, it is possible to re-create a duplicate Leave or to create a Leave that overlaps dates with another Leave, if that other Leave has already been archived. It is recommended that you check archived Leaves for possible conflicts before creating a new Leave by viewing the ‘Archived’ grid at the bottom of this (Leave of Absence/Disability – Overview) form. Now lets click on the Create LEAVE button to begin creating a new leave.
Create LOA/Disability- Future Leave Now lets begin processing the LEAVE. Leave everyone in there position and create a L position for the individual taking this employees place. This will keep all of the position information and makes processing the employee easier upon their return. See the help text on LOA or give me a call for further assistance with creating positions. This will also be covered in our managing position on Sept. 22, 2010. Employee Name and SSN are displayed on the top right-hand side of this form. For security reasons, the system defaults the display of the employee’s SSN as ***-**-****, but it may be changed to display either the last 4 digits of the SSN or the full SSN, by clicking on the SSN. The first section (shaded in blue) includes the following read-only information about the selected Leave/Disability: Type of Leave Effective Start Date Last Day on Payroll Employment Status While on Leave View Employee Assignment Details link allows the user to check the employee’s assignment information. Now we will proceed to the second section titled LEAVE on this page. Please remember everywhere within HRMS that has a RED * is a required data field.
Create LOA/Disability- Future Leave Using the drop down menus and dates complete the form to create the LOA documentation Select Leave Type. The drop-down list will include all the possible Leave and Disability types available.
Create LOA/Disability- Future Leave Enter the Effective Start Date. This is the date that the employee’s Leave/Disability begins and it will determine whether this is a current or future Leave/Disability. If the date entered is after today’s date, then it is a future Leave/Disability; otherwise, it is a current (active) Leave/Disability. Special Note: All dates that are entered on this form must be in MM/DD/YYYY format. Effective Start Date is editable. This is the date that the employee’s Leave/Disability began and it determines whether this is a current or future Leave/Disability. If this date is after today’s date, then it is a future Leave/Disability; otherwise, it is a current (active) Leave/Disability. If you make a change to the Start Date that results in a current/active Leave becoming a future Leave, the following message will be displayed on the form: “You are changing a current Leave of Absence/Disability to a future one. So you need to select the employee’s current Employment Status Code.” The system will normally default to the employee’s previous Employment Status Code, but you may select any active Employment Status Code that is appropriate. If a change to the Start Date results in a future Leave becoming a current/active Leave, the system will set the employee’s current Employment Status to the status that was pending for the future Leave. If you change the Effective Start Date on a future Leave, and this employee also has a current/active Leave, then the Effective Start Date (on the future Leave) must be at least one day after the Anticipated End Date on the employee’s current/active Leave. If that is not the case, then the following error message will be displayed on the form: “Effective Date of the Leave/Disability being edited must be after the current Leave/Disability ends.” Based on the date entered we are creating a Future leave.
Create LOA/Disability- Future Leave Select the employee’s Employment Status while on Leave/Disability. All active Leave type Employment Status Codes will be included in the drop-down list. Since this is a current Leave/Disability (Effective Start Date is today’s date or earlier), the employee’s current Employment Status Code will be changed immediately after this form is submitted.
Create LOA/Disability- Future Leave Enter the employee’s Last Day on Payroll, if applicable. This field is used only when the employee is using accrued leave to cover all or part of the Leave/Disability. Special note. As you noticed this is not a required field as the clerk entering the information may not know the last day on payroll.
Create LOA/Disability- Future Leave Enter the Anticipated End Date of the Leave/Disability, if the date has been determined. Anticipated End Date is not required to be entered, because often times (especially in the case of a Disability) this date is not known when the Leave begins. If a date is entered, it must be after the Effective Start Date. Special Note: If Anticipated End Date is left blank, no future Leaves can be created for this employee. Once an anticipated leave date is established the leave can be edited to reflect the anticipated end date.
Create LOA/Disability- Future Leave Enter the employee’s Anticipated Employment Status Upon Return (if known). This is the Employment Status Code that the employee is expected to return to when their Leave/Disability ends. The system will automatically default in the employee’s current Employment Status (prior to going on Leave), but you may change it to any other active Employment Status Code that you deem appropriate.
Create LOA/Disability- Future Leave Select Yes or No for Continue Insurance at System Expense? (The default is Yes). If you answer No: Continue at Employee’s Expense? will appear, and you will need to select Yes or No If you answer Yes, then enter the Effective Billing Date. This is the date when the employee should start being billed for their health insurance. If you answer No, then Stop Insurance on this Date must be entered. This is the date that the employee’s insurance should be stopped. Select Yes or No for Post on Board Report? If you answer Yes to this question, then you will be prompted to enter the Board Report Date. Enter any Comments about this Leave of Absence/Disability that you wish to record for future reference. A maximum of 250 characters is allowed. Click the Cancel button on the top right side of the form if you wish to return to the Leave of Absence/Disability - Overview form without saving anything entered. Click the Add Leave button when you are ready to save the New Leave/Disability record. After the record is saved, it will be displayed on the employee’s Leave of Absence/ Disability – Overview form.
The leave has been successfully created The leave has been successfully created. The form currently displayed is the LEAVE DETAILS FORM. If you notice there is a print button in the upper left hand corner and gives an excellent opportunity to print a copy of the pertinent information about the individual and leave for distribution.
Create LOA/Disability Click the OVERVIEW tab. This will populate the LEAVE of Absence/Disability-Overview Form.
If you notice the leave we created is now located in the Future leave section. Click on the leave link. This will populate the leave details form.
If you did not print the leave this gives you and additional option to print from this screen.
Click the edit button on the tool bar
While on the edit screen you have the opportunity to make adjustments to any of the available data fields.
Once all the adjustments to the leave of absence have been entered click the save button.
The future leave has been added successfully. In the leave section review the information entered. Go the top of the screen and click EMPLOYEE DEMOGRAPHICS link. This will return you to the employee demographics page.
Employee Demographics Verified Leave In the basic information section the FUTURE leave has been added.
Employee Demographics Verified Leave In the basic information section the FUTURE leave has been added.
Employee Demographics Page On the staff action drop down select LEAVE OF ABSENCE.
Employee Name and SSN are displayed on the top right-hand side of this form. For security reasons, the system defaults the display of the employee’s SSN as ***-**-****, but it may be changed to display either the last 4 digits of the SSN or the full SSN, by clicking on the SSN. If you noticed the toolbar has added additional buttons. We can now edit, extend, remove, or end a leave. In the 1st section the information is read only but lets click on the view employee assignment details link.
The View Employee Assignment Details link allows the user to check the employee’s assignment information. Click the RED X to close the employee assignments page. This will repopulate the Leave details form.
Verify the information you have entered. Click the LEAVE DETAILS The leave details form has an additional section called Staff Action History for this Leave/Disability is included in a grid at the bottom of the form. One row is displayed in this grid for each staff action history record that has been created for this Leave/Disability. The following fields are included: Staff Action Type – This also serves as a hyperlink. If you click on the Leave Type, the system will link you to the Leave of Absence Staff Action Details form, which will display complete details about the Leave/Disability. Requester – This is the User ID of the person who entered the staff action. Approver – This will always be the same as the Requester, since there is no one actually approving the entry of Leaves/Disabilities at this time. (This may be used in the future). Effective – This is the Effective Date of the staff action. Status – Status of the staff action. Click the LOA to look at the history of the leave.
This shows the staff action details which is the history of the leave This shows the staff action details which is the history of the leave. The yellow fields show fields that have been edited. All data is yellow text as this was a new leave.
Click the back button this will return you to the Leave Details form.
If you notice the tool bar for a current leave is different than the Future Leave tool bar. There are 2 new buttons available which are extend and end. This are not available on the future leave they can not be extend or ended. Let click on the Overview button to review the information we have entered.
A new NOTE has been added.
To return to any of the leaves select the links available under the Active, Future or Archived sections of the page. Today will return to the active leave for the purpose of our training. Click on the leave located under the Active section of the page. This will return you to the leave details form for the current leave with the additional buttons on the menu bar.
Now we will make edits to the current leave click the edit Leave button on the tool bar
The blue section is read only except the view employee assignment details. Let’s proceed to the LEAVE section of the page. All fields in this section are editable. On this leave I will change the effective date.
Edit Leave of Absence Verify the information in the Insurance and Staff Action section are accurate.
The leave details screen is now repopulated The leave details screen is now repopulated. Notice the page now displays the revision in the leave section. In the staff action section an additional audit trail has been created. Now that we have successfully edited the leave we extend the leave which is also a new feature.
Click the extend button to advance to the screen. Use the Extend Leave feature only when the employee is extending his/her current Leave.
The 1st section of the extend leave asks the question about the leave code and includes what you need to do to complete the tasks. This is a new feature and HRMS will be additional help text in the system as we work on additional modules. Going to the leave section I will edited the date of the leave to extend it further. Anticipated End Date – Since you are extending this Leave/Disability, the new date entered must be after the original Anticipated End Date shown on the form. Anticipated Employment Status Upon Return – Important! If the extension period for this Leave/Disability involves a different Employment Status Code, then you should not use the Extend form to record the extension period. Instead, you should end this Leave and create a new Leave for the extension period. Staff Action Notes – If you wish, you can enter a note about why the Leave/Disability is being extended. If you the date was entered correctly you should not use the extend option instead you will want to use the edit leave option. Click the Save button when you are ready to save your changes to the Leave/Disability record. Click the Cancel button to return to the Leave Details form without saving.
The submitted successfully and the changes entered has been saved The submitted successfully and the changes entered has been saved. If you noticed the audit trail continued to add all information that has taken place on the leave. Now lets remove a leave.
Click he remove button on the toolbar Click he remove button on the toolbar. This will populate the remove leave form.
Remove Leave of Absence Use the Remove Leave feature to cancel a current or future Leave that was entered in error, or if the employee withdrew their Leave request before they actually went out on Leave. Archived Leaves cannot be removed. 1. Select Yes or No for Post on Board Report? If the answer is Yes, then enter the Board Report Date. 2. Staff Action Notes – Enter a note about why the Leave/Disability is being cancelled. 3. Click the Save button when you are ready to save the Leave/Disability record. Special Note: The Leave record will be archived with a status of “Cancelled”. Click the Cancel button (top-right) to return to the Leave Details form without saving.
Click the overview button to return to the Leave details page.
The extend dates are visible. Click he remove button on the toolbar. This will populate the remove leave form.
Steps to End a Leave/Disability 1. Select the Reason for ending the Leave. The drop-down list will include all the possible reasons for ending a Leave/Disability: Employee is Returning to Work Select this option if you want to reinstate the employee If this option is selected, the Status of the Leave will be set to “Reinstated”. Type of Leave/Disability is Changing Select this option if the employee is extending their Leave and the Employment Status Code for the extension period is changing. After ending this Leave, you should immediately proceed to the ‘New Leave of Absence/Disability’ form and create the new Leave for the extension period. If this option is selected, the Status of the Leave will be set to “Converted”. Separation Select this option if the employee resigned, was dismissed, or died in service before returning from the Leave of Absence/Disability. After ending this Leave, the system will direct you to the ‘Separation’ Staff Action form to record the separation. If this option is selected, the Status of the Leave will be set to “Ended”. Retirement Select this option if the employee decided to retire before returning from the Leave of Absence/Disability. After ending this Leave, the system will direct you to the ‘Retirement’ Staff Action form to record the retirement action. Suspension Select this option if the employee was suspended before returning from the Leave of Absence/Disability. After ending this Leave, the system will direct you to the ‘Suspension’ Staff Action form to record the suspension action. 2. Enter the Effective End Date (date that the employee’s Leave/Disability ends).. This date must be less than or equal to today’s date. Enter this date in MM/DD/YYYY format. 3. If ‘Employee is Returning to Work’ was selected as the reason for ending the Leave/ Disability, the following fields will be displayed on the form. (Note that if any of the other Reasons were selected, these fields will not appear on the form. ) Select the employee’s Returning Employment Status. This is the Employment Status that the employee should be returned to when the Leave/Disability ends. All Active Employment Status Codes will be available for selection in the drop-down list. Select either Yes or No for Reinstate Insurance? The system defaults to No; so if this employee’s insurance is to be reinstated, you should select Yes. If the answer is Yes, enter Date to Reinstate. This is the date when the employee’s insurance should be reinstated. Select Yes or No for Post on Board Report? If the answer is Yes, then enter the Board Report Date. 4 If you wish, you can enter a note about why the Leave/Disability is being ended in the Staff Action Notes box. 5 Click the Save button when you are ready to remove the Leave/Disability record. Note that the Leave will still be accessible as an Archived record. Click the Cancel button to return to the Leave Details form without saving.
Click the overview button to return to the Leave details page.
Click employee demographics link at the top of the page.
Employee Demographics Page Not that we have successfully completed processing leaves. We will begin to use the workflow management form which house complete historical information for Leave of Absence/Disability Staff Actions and Payroll Budget Code Requests.
Accessing the Staff Action Workflow Management Screen There are two ways to access the workflow management screen from the employee demographics page go to consoles and click workflow management or from the LEA home page go to employees and select workflow management console.
Staff Action Workflow Management Screen Users enter Search Criteria at the top of the form to search for Staff Actions with a particular Type or a Status, for Staff Actions performed for a particular employee, or for Staff Actions that occurred during a specified date range. Today we will process by staff action type. Using the drop down arrow select leave of absence.
Staff Action Workflow Management Screen You have the option to select all or completed. Since training has limited data we will select all.
Staff Action Workflow Management Screen Click the search button. The reset button well remove the search criteria entered.
Staff Action Workflow Management Screen Search Results are displayed in a grid under the Search Criteria, and users can drill down to see complete details about each Staff Action in that grid. Instructions for using this form follow the screen shot below. Locate the Leave we just worked with and click the link located in the requestor field. This will populate the staff leave details form.
Section displays the contents of the Leave record before and after changes were made as part of this Staff Action. All values in the ‘After’ column that changed as a result of this Staff Action will be highlighted in yellow text. Use the print icon to print the LOA summary.
Click the home link at the top of the page to return to the LEA home page.
LOA Configuration Now lets look at how to configure the additional leave types.
LOA Configuration On the leave configuration click on leave of absence
t The screen displays the current leave at your LEA. All leaves with system in the updated by column are not editable Click the create button to add a new leave.
Add Leave Initial Display of Leave/Disability Types - When the form initially loads, a grid containing all the existing Leave of Absence and Disability Types is displayed. This grid contains the following fields: Description Locally-defined Leave types are indicated on this form with an * (asterisk) in the first column of the Description. For locally-defined Leave types, this field serves as a hyperlink to the ‘Edit Leave Record’ form. This will allow you to modify the contents of the locally-defined Leave type. For system-defined Leave types, this record is not editable so the hyperlink is not available. Locally-defined active records that are currently disabled are grayed out on the form, but can still be edited by clicking on the Description. Code This is the 2-character code that is assigned to this Leave/Disability type. Note that up to 2 characters are now allowed, but you are not required to use both characters. Type Indicates if this is a Leave or Disability type Click the save button to save.
LOA Configuration Now that the leave code has been added successfully. We will edit the code by clicking on the leave code title in the description field.
LOA Configuration This populates the edit leave screen. You will make the necessary adjustments and click the save button.
LOA Configuration We have successfully made the necessary changes to the leave. Now lets remove the leave code we have created. Click the code title in the description field you would like to remove.
LOA Configuration You must be a system administrator to Remove a Locally-Defined Leave Type (Disability codes, however, are system-defined and cannot be removed). To remove a Leave type, click on the appropriate Description field (hyperlink). The system will direct you to the Edit Leave Type form. Instructions for using that form are as follows: Code is editable. Up to 2 digits/characters can be entered, but you are not required to use both digits A combination of characters and numbers can be used Description is editable. A combination of characters and numbers can be entered. Enabled Indicator is editable. If you wish to disable this Leave type (prevent it from being used in the future), select “No”. The system does not physically remove the record but prevents it from being used in the future. (It will still appear on the Leave of Absence/Disability Types configuration form.) If you ever need to resume using this Leave type, you may edit the record and set its Enabled indicator back to “Yes”. Click the Save button when you are ready to save your changes. Once the changes have been saved, the system will display a confirmation message and send you back to the Leave of Absence/Disability Types configuration page.
The code that was created has now been removed as an option but displays as disabled. Remove does not delete the newly created coded it deactivates it.
HRMS Web Reports At this time we will switch to the LEA training Site to Run the Web Reports that have been created for this release. As we transition do we have any questions?
Thanks for your attention and your participation Thanks for your attention and your participation. Please don’t forget to complete your survey.