Early Society in Classical China
Essential Questions What are the continuities and changes between the Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties? What are the multiple facets of Ancient Chinese religion? What are the main characteristics of the Chinese philosophies?
The Zhou 1029 BCE to 258 BCE The Qin 221-207 BCE Classical China Civs. The Zhou 1029 BCE to 258 BCE The Qin 221-207 BCE The Han 202 BCE – 220 CE
ZHOU Qin Confucianism Agricultural Kingdom Alliance system- gave estates to friends and family to secure rule Government: King Mandate of heaven - The emperor was granted the right to rule by heaven Misbehavior withdrawal of king Decentralized Gov’t- nobles w/ estates Confucianism Shi Huangdi – emperor of China Reduce power of nobles- stress central authority Totalitarian structure: state above the ppl Legalism instead of Confucianism Abolished primogeniture Abolished slavery System of roads ; built Great Wall Standardization and Organization essential
Han Dynasty- Political Institutions Founder Liu Bang Combined elements of Legalism with Confucianism Emperor Wu- period of expansion Mandate of Heaven- emperor as a divine being, his word is law Highly skilled bureaucracy (Administration of a government chiefly through departments staffed with nonelected officials.) Civil Service Exams – enter bureaucracy
Han cont. Not highly militaristic Sponsorship of intellectual life Confucian thought supported Active in economy- standardization of currency ; store grain and rice Taxation Annual labor required of peasantry for public works projects
Religion Shamanism- China's oldest indigenous belief system; "agitated or frenzied person“ Shaman are viewed as bridges between their communities and the spiritual world
Religion three different kinds of spiritual beings; 1) ancestors-dead relatives; 2) ghosts, the angry souls of people who died in accidents or without getting married; and 3) gods, the souls of dead people who lived meritorious lives Animism: collective worship of spirits and dead ancestors rather than individual gods every living thing-mountains, special rocks, landscape formations—has a spirit
Religion Ancestor Worship Ancestors are generally honored and appeased with daily and seasonal offerings and rituals
Religion Belief in gods/goddesses Guanyin (Kuanyan), the Goddess of Mercy, the most popular deity in China The god Fachu is worshiped by people who are recovering from an illness or who want to succeed in business
Cultural/Intellectual Aspects Promotion of common language = mandarin Use of IRON Bronze ware making Expansion of the Eunuch system
Confucius 551-478 BCE Philosophy expressed in Analects “proper balance and order in human relationships” would bring about social and political harmony Respect for social superiors Governments exist to serve the ppl Govt reflects family unit Virtuous leadership Benevolence, Propriety, Filial Piety were practiced by scholar-gentry People are naturally good
Warring States Period 402-201 BCE Disintegration of Zhou Regional rulers gain control King = figurehead
Legalism Authoritarian political philosophy Disliked Confucianism Shang Yang was founder d. 338 BCE Rule by force State is above the individual Strict laws were essential to control human nature People are naturally evil
Daoism “The Path” Emerged under the Zhou Followers criticize the Confucian emphasis on hierarchy and duty Live in harmony with nature Order and harmony of nature is the basis of stable social order Encourage a life of reflection and introspection Immortality