The four candles
The four candles are burning very slow
The environment was so quite that you could hear them
No one can stop my burning” The first candle said: “I am peace No one can stop my burning” But the flame became smaller and the candle stopped burning
“I am TRUST“ The second said: I can be missed, so it doesn’t matter that i burn She stopped burning while she was telling
The third candle spook softly: She didn’t wait and stopped burning “I am LOVE” I haven’t got the power to stay burning. People ignore me . They forget to love their neighbours She didn’t wait and stopped burning
There came a child. It saw the 3 candles were put out... At once ... There came a child. It saw the 3 candles were put out... ”Why don’t you burn?” After saying this, the child started crying
The fourth candle said: ”Don’t be afraid my child. Because i still have my light, we can let burn the other 3 again! I am the HEAP
With lights in the eyes took the child the candle of the HEAP With lights in the eyes took the child the candle of the HEAP! The child let burn the other candles again!
De flame of HEAP should never disappear of your life !
… and everyone among us should coddle HEAP, TRUST, PEACE and LOVE!!!
Merry Christmas and happy 2010 From VBSZ De Regenboog Belgium HEAP LOVE TRUST PEACE