Chapter 7 : The technological world Force and motion
Force The capacity to do work ( movement) or cause physical change (deformation)
Types of Forces The most common types of forces that cause deformation : Tension (Traction) Compression Bending Torsion Shearing
Type of arrow for Forces Big arrow
Tension(or Traction)
Motion Movement of an object or body caused by a force 3 types of motion Translational Rotational Helical
Type of arrow for Motion Small arrow
Translational Motion Straight line One direction : Unidirectional Both directions : Bidirectional
Rotational Motion Rotate around an axis One direction : Unidirectional Both directions : Bidirectional
Helical Motion Straight line + Rotation around an axis One direction : Unidirectional Both directions : Bidirectional
Exercices to do Force : P.231-232-233 Motion : P.237-238-239