In this study since they are going to be exploring how differences in suicide attempts are associated with the outcomes they in addition to describing the total sample they provide more details about each subgroup. In this sample, 11% of participants (n= 153) had a history of suicide attempt. The mean age of first suicide attempt was 16.1 years (S.D.= 4.0) and 49 (32%) reported more than one suicide attempt (reported number of attempts ranged from 1 to 10). When participants were asked about their age of their most recent suicide attempt, only 15 (10%, and 9 out of these 15 reported multiple lifetime attempts) reported that they had attempted suicide after the age of 25 years, suggesting that the majority of reported health care utilization occurred well after the suicide attempt. The majority of the sample (76%) had been to a primary care physician (n= 1075), 11% (n= 150) had been medically hospitalized, and 33% (n= 471) had been to the ED for a medical reason in the last year ( Table 1). Rates of health conditions included 47% of the sample reporting severe headaches (n= 668), 29% with neck, shoulder or back injury (n= 415), 23% with asthma (n= 329), 19% with high blood pressure or hypertension (n= 277) and 12% with chronic gastroinstestinal disease (n= 177).