Assignment 3 Presentation EXAMPLE My Movie Database Rex Winkus June 5th, 2018
My Movie Database: Purpose The purpose of my database is to store information about all the movies I have watched on Netflix. Having this database will make my life easier so I can look up what movie I have already watched, and help expand my movie collection. I can also use the database to decide if I want to have a bad movie night spree or enjoy a classic find.
My Movie Database: Information Questions What is the genre of this movie? Which movies were produced before this year? What movie has this actor? Which movies were ranked the highest? Lowest? How many movies have I watched? What movies are comedies? Dramas? Sci-Fi? Rom-Coms? Which movie will take the longest to watch?
My Movie Database: Data Driven Decisions Which movies could I watch for a comedy night? Which movies could I watch for a bad movie spree? Have I already watched this movie? Which movie was rated better?
My Movie Database: Data Process With the data provided, I can make decisions about what movies to watch, what not to watch, and what movies to share with friends. I can also use the data to determine what kind of movie night I’m going to have.
My Movie Database: Subjects Title Producer Genre Year Produced Rating Running Time (separate in Hours: Minutes)
My Movie Database: Characteristics Title: Name of the movie Producer: Name of the producer (or adding a second table for multiple producers) Genre: Type of movie Year Produced: What year the movie was produced Rating: Amount of stars received out of 10 from Rotten Tomato Running Time: How long the movie is
My Movie Database: Sample Data Values Rating: 5, 9, 10, rating > 7, rating < 5. Genre: comedy, horror, slapstick, indie, action Year Produced: 2003, 1998, 2010 Running Time: 2hr 15min, 1hr 40min, 60min
My Movie Database: SQL Server
My Movie Database: Diagram
My Movie Database: Example Query Which movies have a rating of 3 stars or lower?
My Movie Database: Example Query Which movies are a comedy?
My Movie Database: Example Query Who produced the movie Deadpool?