Tomoaki Kishimoto comp450 Teleworking Tomoaki Kishimoto comp450
Outline What is teleworking? Drawback Advantage To the environment Conclusion
What is Teleworking? Employees spend a significant portion of their work day at a distance from the employer or a traditional place of work. As a broadband internet connection was developed, Teleworking has increased
drawback Lack of supervision Lack of coworkers and colleagues Employees have to be very disciplined Lack of coworkers and colleagues less support from each other isolation
Advantage For managers For employees Set aside the process and focus on the results For employees Less stressful flexible schedule Save time commuting time 245 hours on average each year on commuting
Car is a source of air pollution To the environment Car is a source of air pollution In 2006: An average teleworker drives an average of 30 fewer miles on a teleworking day Teleworking reduced CO2 emissions by 0.23 percent of U.S. CO2 emissions
Conclusion advantages Many employees who are eligible to telework don’t realize that they are eligible. Teleworking has the potential to become more pervasive in the future.