INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Topographic and Cadastral Reference data Anja Hopfstock - facilitator
Status of Thematic cluster participation Topographic and Cadastral Reference Data (139) Main stakeholders: NMCAs, Road and Water authorities (28) (26) (27) (20) (15) (18) (34) INSPIRE TC Meeting, 30.11.2015
Status of Thematic cluster participation Group Members Topics Replies Proposals Topo cluster 139 19 45 4 AU 28 6 8 1 AD 26 3 BU 27 11 CP 20 GN 15 HY TN 35 16 25 INSPIRE TC Meeting, 30.11.2015
Implementation examples Best practices EuroGeographics INSPIRE KEN NMCAs strategy to implement INSPIRE specifications Webinars on implementation issues, tools, etc. Workshops on data transformation Geoportals of CZ and PL Projects ELF Plan4business Thematic pilots JRC/TN-ITS/ELF Transportation Pilot European Data Portal INSPIRE TC Meeting, 30.11.2015
Questions? INSPIRE Conference 2015