CHAPTER 17 Collective Behavior and Social Movements Sociology 3/31/2017 CHAPTER 17 Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section 1: Collective Behavior Section 2: Social Movements Chapter 17
Collective Behavior- the relatively spontaneous social behavior that occurs when people try to develop common solutions to unclear situations.
Characteristics of Collectives-3 Factors Limited Interaction- members of social groups generally interact with one another directly, often for long periods of time. Interaction among members of collectives is limited and sometimes nonexistent.
Unclear Norms- the norms that guide behavior in social groups are clearly defined and widely understood. In collectives, norms for behavior are either unclear or unconventional. Limited Unity- people who form social groups are generally united by an awareness that they are members of these groups. Members are collectives seldom share a sense of group unity.
Collectivity- A gathering of people who have limited interaction with one another and do not share clearly defined, conventional norms or a sense of group identity.
Types of Collectivities Section 1: Collective Behavior Types of Collectivities Crowds – temporary gathering of people who are in close enough proximity to interact Mobs – a mob is an emotionally charge collectivity whose members are united by a specific destructive or violent goal. Riots- a collection of people who erupt into generalized destructive behavior, the result of which is social disorder.
Types of Collectivities Section 1: Collective Behavior Types of Collectivities (continued) Panics – a spontaneous and uncoordinated group action to escape some perceived threat Mass Hysteria – an unfounded anxiety shared by people who can be scattered over a wide geographic area
Types of Collectivities Section 1: Collective Behavior Types of Collectivities (continued) Fashion– fashion refers to enthusiastic attachments among large numbers of people for particular styles of appearance or behavior. Fads- is an unconventional object, action, or idea that a large number of people are attached to for a very short period of time
Types of Collectivities Section 1: Collective Behavior Types of Collectivities (continued) Rumors – a rumor is an unverified piece of information that is spread rapidly from one person to another. Urban Legends- is a story that teaches a lesson and seems realistic but is untrue. Public Opinion – refers to the collection of differing attitudes that members of a public have about a particular issue
Explanations for Collective Behavior Section 1: Collective Behavior Explanations for Collective Behavior Contagion Theory/Gustave LeBon – the hypnotic power of a crowd encourages people to give up their individuality to the stronger pull of the group Emergent-Norm Theory/Ralph Turn & Lewis Killian people in a crowd are often faced with a situation in which traditional norms of behavior do not apply Value-Added Theory/Neil Smelser – explains crowd behavior as a process that moves from step to step
Preconditions of Collective Behavior Section 1: Collective Behavior Preconditions of Collective Behavior Structural Conduciveness – refers to the surrounding social structure that makes it possible for a particular type of collective behavior to occur Structural Strain – refers to social conditions that put strain on people and thus encourage them to seek some collective means of relief
Preconditions of Collective Behavior Section 1: Collective Behavior Preconditions of Collective Behavior (continued) Growth and Spread of Generalized Belief –people identify the problem, form opinions about it, and share ways of dealing with it Precipitating Factors – refer to triggering mechanisms that set off the behavior Social Control – a mechanism used to control or minimize a situation
Types of Social Movements Section 2: Social Movements Types of Social Movements Reactionary – try to prevent a type of social change and return society to a past way of being; often use fear and violence; example: Ku Klux Klan Conservative – try to protect prevailing values from what are seen as threats to those values; examples: the religious right
Types of Social Movements Section 2: Social Movements Types of Social Movements (continued) Revisionary – try to improve some part of society through social change; usually use legal methods and focus on a single issue; example: women’s suffrage movement
Types of Social Movements Section 2: Social Movements Types of Social Movements (continued) Revolutionary – seek a total radical change or existing social structure, overthrow existing government and replace it with their own version; often involve violent or illegal methods; example: the American Revolution
Life Cycle of Social Movements Section 2: Social Movements Life Cycle of Social Movements Agitation – initial stirrings of a movement Legitimation – movement viewed as more respectable Bureaucratization – structure of movement more formal Institutionalization – an established part of society
Explaining Social Movements Section 2: Social Movements Explaining Social Movements Relative Deprivation Theory – people join social movements because they feel deprived relative to other people or groups with whom they identify Resource-Mobilization Theory – not even the most ill-treated group with the most just cause will be able to bring about change without resources