NDPHS - a partnership committed to achieving tangible results


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Presentation transcript:

NDPHS - a partnership committed to achieving tangible results [name and position of the speaker] [name of the organisation] [name of a meeting] [city, country, date]

Northern Dimension Geographical Area The ND area ranges from the European Arctic and Sub-Arctic to the southern shores of the Baltic Sea encompassing the countries in its vicinity, as well as the North West Russia in the East to Iceland and Greenland in the West

Priority Sectors in the Northern Dimension Geographical Area Priority Sectors in the Northern Dimension Four partners: EU, Iceland, Norway and Russia Economic Cooperation Freedom, Security and Justice External Security, Civil Protection Research, Education and Culture Environment, Nuclear Safety and Natural Resources The ND area ranges from the European Arctic and Sub-Arctic to the southern shores of the Baltic Sea encompassing the countries in its vicinity, as well as the North West Russia in the East to Iceland and Greenland in the West NDPHS Social Wellfare and Health Care

Priority Sectors in the Northern Dimension Objectives (Oslo Declaration of 27 October 2003 establishing the NDPHS) Four partners: EU, Iceland, Norway and Russia Promote sustainable development in the ND area by improving people’s health and social well-being Economic Cooperation Contribute to intensified co-operation in social and health development Freedom, Security and Justice Assist Partners and Participants in improving their capacity to set priorities in health and social well-being External Security, Civil Protection Research, Education and Culture Enhance co-ordination of international activities within the ND area Environment, Nuclear Safety and Natural Resources NDPHS Social Wellfare and Health Care

Objectives (Oslo Declaration of 27 October 2003 establishing the NDPHS) Partner Countries Structure Promote sustainable development in the ND area by improving people’s health and social well-being Contribute to intensified co-operation in social and health development Assist Partners and Participants in improving their capacity to set priorities in health and social well-being Enhance co-ordination of international activities within the ND area Estonia Lithuania Finland Norway Germany Poland Russia Iceland Latvia Sweden

Partner Organisations Structure Partner Organisations IOM BEAC NCM CBSS UNAIDS EC WHO ILO BSSSC

Partner Organisations Bodies & Secretariat Structure Partner Organisations Bodies & Secretariat Partnership Annual Conference (More...) Committee of Senior Representatives (More...) Expert Groups and Task Groups (More...) Secretariat (More...)

Priorities Reduction of major communicable diseases and prevention of lifestyle related non-communicable diseases Including HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, the use of illicit drugs, cardiovascular diseases and the consequences of socially distressing conditions Enhancement and promotion of healthy and socially rewarding lifestyles Including determinants of health and social well-being, such as sexual behaviour, alcohol consumption, smoking, the use of illicit drugs, peoples’ social and work environments and social skills

NDPHS Strategy Adopted at a ministerial-level annual conference in 2009; guides the NDPHS from the year 2010 onwards; focuses on the following issues in the ND area: Prevention of HIV/AIDS and associated infections and integration of social and health care for HIV infected individuals Mitigation of resistance to antibiotics Reduction of inequality in access to qualified primary health care Health and other related needs of people kept in places of detention, including gender specific needs Reduction of the impact on society and individuals of hazardous and harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs, tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke Implementation of the NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work Improvement of public health and social well-being among indigenous peoples Addressing main causes/risk-factors of lifestyle related NCDs The NDPHS Strategy is co-related with the EUSBSR Priority Area “Health”

Implementation (areas of action) High-level ministerial dialogue Monitoring and assessment of the situation in the region Development of policy recommendations Facilitation of a coordinated development and implementation of regional projects Dissemination of information, outreach and involvement of relevant stakeholders Mainstreaming of results of cooperation

NDPHS’ tools As a cooperative effort of governments, the EC and IGOs, the NDPHS has a platform that can be used to provide assistance and political support in developing and implementing regional cooperation NDPHS Expert and Task Groups Facilitate professional exchanges, increase co-ordination and monitor joint activities within their area of expertise Develop strong partnerships with a wide variety of stakeholders Establish and maintain relations with international and national organisations, and other institutions as appropriate Useful facilitation tools offered by the NDPHS: Website (incl. EUSBSR section), Database, Project Pipeline Concrete project-based activities initiated and under development

List of Expert Groups and Task Groups Expert Group on HIV/AIDS and Associated Infections (More...) Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance Abuse (More...) Expert Group on Primary Health and Prison Health Systems (More...) Expert Group on Non-Communicable Diseases related to Lifestyles and Social and Working Environments (More...) Task Group on Alcohol and Drug Prevention among Youth (More...) Task Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (More...) Task Group on Indigenous Mental Health, Addictions and Parenting (More...) Task Group on Occupational Safety and Health (More...)

Project-related activities; quality label Responsibility of Expert Groups and Task Groups Development and implementation of regional projects in the areas of: Communicable diseases (with a focus on HIV and tuberculosis) Non-communicable diseases and healthy lifestyles (with a focus on healthy nutrition and alcohol abuse, in particular, among youth) Occupational safety and health Primary health care Antimicrobial resistance “NDPHS labelled projects” - quality projects which address regional challenges and produce tangible results with measurable impact All projects developed by the NDPHS expert level structures Projects from external actors can apply for the label. Details of the rules can be found at www.ndphs.org

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region First EU macro-regional strategy Addresses growing challenges faced by the region Provides a platform for joining forces and working in cooperation to tackle common challenges 3 NOs: no new institutions, no new legislation, no new funding EUSBSR Action Plan (latest revision of the plan in 2012) 17 Priority Areas; health has been “upgraded” to a separate PA: Health - improving and promoting people’s health, including its social aspects 4 Horizontal Actions: Spatial, Neighbours, Multi-level Governance, Climate 90+ Flagship Projects (Criteria to become a flagship project can be found in www.ndphs.org) Northern Dimension framework provides the basis for the external aspects of cooperation in the Baltic Sea region

For more information Please visit our website at www.ndphs.org … and read the NDPHS e-Newsletter

NDPHS - a partnership committed to achieving tangible results For more information Please visit our website at www.ndphs.org NDPHS - a partnership committed to achieving tangible results Thank you … and read the NDPHS e-Newsletter

Partnership Annual Conference (PAC) Overall political guidance (policy orientation, possible joint activities of the NDPHS) Works to improve co-ordination and policy coherence among Partners Ensures an efficient exchange of information at a high level Recommends measures for improved co-ordination of projects and programmes Ensures political support and continued commitment among NDPHS Partners and Participants Facilitates funding opportunities for activities in support of the Partnership objectives Back to menu

Committee of Senior Representatives (CSR) Coordinates NDPHS activities between PACs Follows-up on PACs, including preparation and monitoring of joint activities Decides on procedural and financial matters relating to the functioning of the NDPHS and its mechanisms Decides on the establishment and mandates of expert groups / task groups Performs other tasks assigned by the PAC Back to menu

Expert Groups and Task Groups Mandates / ToRs Lead Partners, Chairs and ITAs Annual work plans & annual progress reports EG meetings (at least 2 per year), conferences, workshops Develop/review, implement, monitor, appraise projects/activities Co-ordinate, collaborate and develop partnerships with variety of stakeholders Promote networking and facilitate professional exchanges Back to menu

EG on HIV/AIDS & Associated Infections Roles and Objectives Surveillance, awareness-raising, policy development, treatment and prevention regarding HIV/AIDS & AI Working towards containment of the spread of HIV/AIDS & AI Aiming to improve prevention of HIV/AIDS and related diseases and integrate social and health care services for HIV- infected individuals Support co-ordinated and collaborative efforts Promote networking and Partnership building among relevant stakeholders Back to menu

EG on Alcohol and Substance Abuse Roles and Objectives Analysing the nature and extent of alcohol and substance abuse problems in Partner Countries Working towards containment of the alcohol and substance abuse related harm Developing and facilitating implementation of policies with aim to reduce the impact of hazardous use of alcohol and illicit drugs Aiming to change in pricing, access to and advertising of alcoholic beverages Preventing and reducing tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke Promoting networking and partnership building among relevant stakeholders Monitoring the progress of the TG on Alcohol and Drug Prevention among Youth Back to menu

EG on Primary Health and Prison Health Systems Roles and Objectives Working towards strengthening of primary health and prison health systems Reducing inequality in access to qualified primary health care Ensuring that prison policy provides for that the health and other needs of inmates are readily met and easily accessed; that gender specific needs of women and children accompanying their mothers are addressed Promoting collaboration among relevant stakeholders Contributing to the coordination and implementation of EUSBSR Monitoring the progress of the TG on Antimicrobial Resistance Back to menu

EG on Non-Communicable Diseases related to Lifestyles and Social and Work Environments Roles and Objectives Reducing lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases and promotion of good social and work environments Reducing the impact of harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs Changing pricing, access to and advertising of alcoholic beverages Preventing and reducing tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke Implementing NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work Improving public health and social well-being among indigenous peoples Contributing to the coordination and implementation of EUSBSR Monitoring the TG on Occupational Safety and Health and the TG on Indigenous Mental Health, Addictions and Parenting Back to menu

TG on Alcohol and Drug Prevention among Youth Roles and Objectives Aiming to reduce the impact on society and individuals of hazardous and harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs in the ND countries Developing a project proposal aimed at reducing the hazardous and harmful use of alcohol and drugs Implementing the above mentioned project by 2014 Back to menu

TG on Antimicrobial Resistance Roles and Objectives Counteracting the increasing resistance to antimicrobial agents in the ND area by contributing to policy formulation and strengthening coordination of activities Performing surveillance of antimicrobial resistance trends and epidemiology Increasing awareness among general population on the need to use antibiotics cautiously Back to menu

TG on Indigenous Mental Health, Addictions and Parenting Roles and Objectives Improving public health and social well-being among indigenous peoples by taking following steps: improving mental health preventing addictions promoting child development and family/community health Fostering collaboration on social inequalities in indigenous population mental health Back to menu

TG on Occupational Health and Safety Roles and Objectives Promoting health, safety and well-being in workplaces by developing, facilitating and assisting in implementing policies, programs and activities Strengthening networking and collaboration between and within countries in the Baltic Sea region Implementing the actions in the NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work Back to menu

Secretariat Provides substantive, administrative and other support to CSR and PAC Ensures continuity between rotating chairmanships Supports expert, target and other Partnership groups Creates links to other government, non-government and private institutions, including financing institutions Collects and disseminates information (variety of channels: website, presentations at events, e-news, press-releases, e-newsletter, printed materials) Develops and implements projects Back to menu