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Presentation transcript:


2 1 Warm Up Safety Procedures What safety procedures are necessary when looking at the eclipse? Write the question and explain your answer The left side of the journal will be your warm up question. Read and answer the best that you can. On the right side of the journal you will see a website and a QR Code. This site will take you to the lesson we have that discusses the safety procedures of looking at an eclipse. Do not write anything on this side. This was just a lesson I wanted to introduce because of the eclipse.

Safety Procedures when looking at the eclipse

3. Do lunar and solar eclipses have any noticeable effect on humans? 1. Why is it not safe to look at the sun even when only a small part of it is visible? 2. Is it true that you should not look at the sun even during a total solar eclipse? 3. Do lunar and solar eclipses have any noticeable effect on humans? 4. How are eyes damaged by staring at the sun? 5. Where can I get the right kind of solar filter to view the eclipse? These are the 7 questions that goes was on the site. The class was separated into 7 groups. Each group would take on a question and become experts at it. Each group would read and collaborate finding the main idea in answering the question. This was intended to be a class discussion. 6. Is it only the bright light that is dangerous when viewing the sun? 7. Isn’t this ‘safety’ issue about eclipse viewing, a bit overblown?

2 1 Warm Up What safety procedures are necessary when looking at the eclipse? Write the question and explain your answer Towards the last 5 minutes the class would give a reflection based on the discussion and what they have learned today. Write a 4-5 sentence reflection

This is a rubric that I introduced to the class This is a rubric that I introduced to the class. Our projects are broken into two sections, making each section 50 points. Please review carefully and make sure to follow what is expected.