Russian Federation CDMS Besprozvannykh A.V.. Catalogue Report Forming System (CATREP) WMO Volume 9 Publication A Implementation Russian Federation CDMS
Catalogue definition Catalogue items must be present on GML language Catalogue must be present by dynamic feature Values of the properties must be in ISO standard Catalogue implementation must be in OGC standard Special application to maintain catalogues must be created
Dynamic feature can be present by: States Events Evidence
States States are captured by time-stamped instances of a feature. Catalogue presentation on particular moment of the time (by default current state)
Events or history A generic sequence of events constitute a gml:history of an object.
CATREP system Vol 9 Pub A Implementation Current Vol9 Pub A CATREP system Vol 9 Pub A Implementation WIS requirements IOS Reporters on the Improvement of Vol9 Pub A Russian Federation CDMS
OGC compliant GIS Server (WCS, WFS, WMS) CATREP system Catalogue Server OGC compliant GIS Server (WCS, WFS, WMS) Oracle DBMS Russian Federation CDMS
Russian Federation CDMS CATREP system Oracle Application Server Oracle DBMS Russian Federation CDMS
Station history Key fields Internal Station ID Type of Observation End date of period Russian Federation CDMS
CatRep demonstration http://localhost:8888/catservice/ http://localhost:8888/catservice/test.html