Biomethane in NL: the Dutch approach Matté Brijder, NL Agency Zagreb, 28th May 2013
Contents Approach Green Gas production with grid injection Technical possibilities for gasgrid access Further information
Approach Green Gas development in NL (Medio 2006) Task force “Green Gas”: public-private-cooperation model (Dec 2007) Publication of a vision report from the task force with general conclusions on ambition and preconditions for the development of a Green Gas market (Apr 2008) Start of a new stimulation programme (SDE) with feed-in tariff for biogasupgrading and grid injection (Jul 2009) Operation of virtual trade system for Green Gas certificates (Dec 2009) Start of a inter-governmental “accelleration” team Green Gas to “solve” legislational barriers for Green Gas development (Jan 2010) Publication of an Action Plan (Mar 2011) First publication of results and status (Dec 2011) Second publication of results and status (Jan 2013) Last update of results and status
Virtual trade in Green Gas certificates (
Approach accelleration team Permits and spatial planning policy Access bioticket trade; excise duties SDE and gasgrid access Positive list
Ongoing projects Evaluation of digesters in NL. Report published in Nov. 2011. (Regional) technical scenarios grid injection Projectmonitoring Green Gas projects 14 demo/pilotprojects on biogas from tender 2010 New approach government with Green Deal agreements Technical studies concerning gas quality
Evaluation of the biogas sector in the NL in 2011 with 15 page english summary 8
Distribution of the average annual input in the AD-sector in the Netherlands 9
Technical scenarios gasgrid injection Direct injection Development of biogashubs Gridinjection by overflow to higher pressure gasgrid Development of dedicated biogasgrids Pressure adjustments in gasgrids to achieve gasstorage capacity for green gas in the grid
Feasibility study gridoperator Rendo (12% replacement of natural gas on yearly base is possible)
Feasibility study gridoperator Rendo
Feasibility study gridoperator Rendo
Feasibility study gridoperator Endinet (yearly based vs hourly based)
Biogas hubs
Gridinjection by overflow
Example: Overflow in Groningen
Costs of an overflow with gasgrid injection at 40 bar
Decicated biogas networks
Pressure adjustments for creation storage capacity in the gasgrid: www Pressure adjustments for creation storage capacity in the gasgrid:
Regional stimulation of green gas development
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