I am originally from China
My hometown is Guangzhou, “Five Goats Park”
Hong Kong is a very beautiful and special Place Hong Kong is a very beautiful and special Place. It has a lot of fashion, tall buildings, beautiful houses, rich people…, But, in the same place, you can find much ancient Chinese culture. In the 19 Century, Hong Kong was the “Oriental Pearl!”
New York is the most important city in the United States
I Live in S.F. right now. I love it. It’s a beautiful City
I love to travel. I have been to Washington D. C. , Beijing, H. K I love to travel. I have been to Washington D.C., Beijing, H.K., Shanghai, Canada, Japan….
I wish to take a vocation in Europe soon I wish to take a vocation in Europe soon. Paris,England, Italy,Austria,Germany…
I love fine dinning, but I also enjoy cooking very much
I love nice long walks…
Thanks America, for giving me a new life!