I am broken
Like flipping a light switch in a dark room that allows power to flow through the wires and light to fill the room, forgiveness allows God’s grace to flow into a broken relationship and bring healing. Relational Healing
Destructive effects A natural progression Wrong→ Offense→ Hurt→ Anger→ Bitterness→ Destructive effects
What forgiveness is not It is not forgetting. It is not overlooking or excusing the offense. It is not rationalizing or justifying the offense. It is not taking the blame.
How to forgive Face the Wrong. Feel the Pain. Confess our unforgiveness and judgement. Release the offender. Relinquish the final results.
The Process of forgiveness It begins with an act of the will. It continues over time. It is complete when: I no longer view the offense as a debt. I no longer need to tell the story. It may reach a place of reconciliation with the offender.
A prayer of forgiveness Lord, I recognize that You have totally forgiven me. You have commanded me to forgive others just as You have forgiven me. I chose to forgive _________for _______ (actions and effects). I ask that you forgive me for not forgiving as You commanded.
Help me to reconcile my relationship with _______ Help me to reconcile my relationship with _______. I choose to release this hurt and anger and I release _________ from any debt owed me. In the authority and name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take back any ground I have allowed Satan to gain in my life because of this conflict. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.