Breakthroughs in 3D Reconstruction and Motion Analysis IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation 2003 Breakthroughs in 3D Reconstruction and Motion Analysis Speakers: Yi Ma (UC Berkeley) Jana Kosecka (GMU) Stefano Soatto (UCLA) Shankar Sastry (UC Berkeley) Kostas Daniilidis (UPENN) Rene Vidal (UC Berkeley) Omid Shakernia (UC Berkeley) ICRA 2003 Tutorial
Program Introduction 8:30-8:45 Geometric Approach to Structure and Motion Recovery (S. Sastry) Foundations 8:45-9:15 Rigid body motion Imaging Geometry (S. Sastry ) 9:15-10:00 Image primitives and Correspondence (J. Kosecka ) 10:00-10:15 Coffee Break 10:15-11:15 Two view geometry (J. Kosecka) 11:15 - 12:00 Stratified model based reconstruction (Y. Ma) from uncalibrated views ICRA 2003 Tutorial
Program Self-Calibration, Structure Recovery 1:00-1:45 Self-Calibration of Omindirectional Sensors (K. Daniilidis) 1:45-2:30 Multiview Reconstruction from Points And Lines (Y. Ma) 2:30-3:00 - Coffee Break Vision and Robotics 3:00-3:30 Recursive Filtering for Motion and shape estimation (S. Soatto) 3:30-4:00 Panoramic and Omnidirectional Imaging (K. Daniilidis) 4:00-4:30 Case Study UAV’s Landing (O. Shakernia) 4:30-5:00 Case Study Multiple Motion Estimation (R. Vidal) ICRA 2003 Tutorial