ChenChen z3316202 Yang Ximing z3321200 Experimental study of TCP and UDP sharing for mobile devices ChenChen z3316202 Yang Ximing z3321200
Implement Router: 11Mbps & 54Mbps Distance: close-in & 2 meters & 10 meters TCP only & UDP only & TCP-UDP & UDP-TCP
Implement Wireshark: Capture packets/Analyse VSFTPD: FTP server running on iPhone gFTP: FTP client running on Linux UDP Tool: iPhone app/generate UDP ircv: receive UDP ptk on linux
Implement-TCP stream VSFTPD/ gFTP File name Size iTunesSetup.exe 98mb testfile.rmvb 190.57mb VSFTPD/ gFTP
Implement-UDP packet UDP Tool/ircv.c ircv: irregular packets(not ‘loss’) Irregular = lost or bursty arrival
Implement-wireshark wireshark Capture packets & plot IO graphs
Implement-workplace Linux (ubuntu 11.04)
UDP 11Mbps-close,Irregular=0,rate=7packets/s 11Mbps,10M,Irregular!=0,rate=7packets/s
TCP-UDP 11MBps,2M 538kb/s 560kb/s 515kb/s UDP 54MBps,CLOSE 889kb/s
UDP-TCP 11Mbps,2M Irreguler=84 54Mbps,CLOSE Irreguler=0
Conclusion TCP-UDP-11MBPS-2M TCP-UDP-11MBPS-10M TCP-UDP-11MBPS-CLOSEIN before UDP 560(kb/s) 470 555 888 886 895 in UDP 515 437 513 870 873 892 Finish 538.56 443 522 877 889 UDP-TCP-11MBPS-2M UDP-TCP-11MBPS-10M UDP-TCP-11MBPS-CLOSEIN UDP-TCP-54MBPS-2M UDP-TCP-54MBPS-10M UDP-TCP 54MBPS-CLOSEIN befor TCP 0 (Irreguler) in TCP 84 55 28 2 afterTCP