Warm Ups 9/26 – 9/30 Monday 9/26: Warm Up Copy down the following sentences. Circle the subjects, underline the verbs twice, and put a star over the adjectives. Last week a volcano exploded in Costa Rica. The eruption was a smoky, ashy mess.
Tuesday 9/27 Warm Up Write a sentence about the following picture and circle your subject, underline your verb twice, and put a star over your adjective.
Write SRI for Wednesday’s warm up
Thursday 9/29 Prepositional Phrase = preposition + noun Behind Below Beneath Beside Between Beyond But By By means of Concerning Despite Down During Except Except for Excepting For From About Above According to Across After Against Along Along with Among Apart from Around As As for At Because of Before In In addition to In back of In case of In front of In place of Inside In spite of Instead of Into Like Near Next Of Off On Onto On top of Out Out of Outside Over Past Regarding Round Since Through Throughout Till To Toward Under Underneath Unlike Until Up Upon Up to With Within without Warm Up – Copy the notes about prepositions. Prepositions describe the relationship between a noun and another noun in the sentence. Preposition + Noun = Prepositional Phrase Ex: over the moon
Friday 9/30 Warm Up Which of the following are prepositional phrases? 1. Over the moon 2. To walk 3. Around the corner 4. To quickly think 5. To the store