Electricity Review Jeopardy
These charges repel.
What are LIKE charges.
Attracts both positive and negative objects.
What is Neutral-charged object.
The symbol for current, and what it’s measured in.
What is “I” and “amps”.
This device is placed parallel to the circuit to take this measurement.
What is Voltmeter and “volts” or “potential difference”.
Measured in Watts.
What is Power.
Q and Coulombs.
What is the symbol for Charge and what it’s measured in.
Draw a circuit diagram containing a battery, a switch, two light bulbs in parallel, another light bulb in series, and an ammeter that is measuring the overall current.
Which has brighter light bulbs: 2 bulbs in series or 2 bulbs in parallel?
Two bulbs in parallel.
Slows the current in a circuit.
What are resistors.
Referred to as a load.
What is something that needs/uses energy.
Provide two equations that could be used to calculate Energy.
E = Pt or E = VQ
The object that becomes negatively charged after rubbing an ebonite rod with fur.
The ebonite rod.
The formula for calculating total resistance in a parallel circuit.
1 = 1 + 1 + 1 RT R1 R2 R3
Solve for time, potential difference, and power if you know the following variables: Q = 25 C I = 170 A
t = Q = 25 = 0.147 s I 170 V = RI = (17)(170) = 2890 V P = VI = (2890)(170) = 491300 W or 49 kW
Copy and Solve for all Variables:
V2 = 32 V V5 = 8 V R1 = 5.33 Ω R4 = 0.47 Ω Io = 25 A I1 = 6 A I5 = 8 A