Turkey Simona I. and Mariela
1.The country Turkey, country that occupies a unique geographic position, lying partly in Asia and partly in Europe.
2.Location Turkey is bordered by eight countries with Greece and Bulgaria to the northwest ; Georgia to the northeast ; Armenia to the east ; and Iraq and Syria to the south.
3.National flag National Turkey flag consisting of a red background with a central white star and crescent.
4.History Anatolia has a long record as a centre of civilization - from one of the world's first towns, through the successive periods of Trojans, Ionians and other.
5.Population In 2016 year Turkish population were 79,51 millions people .
6.Turkish dance Turkey has a very ancient folk dance tradition. Each dance being colorful, rhythmic, elegant and stylish.
7.Myth One of the most famous Turkish legends, Sarıkız is about the highest peak of the Kazdağları mountains. A long time ago, a beautiful girl named Sarıkız lived in the village of Güre and all the young men fell in love with her and asked for her hand in marriage.
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