HOT TOPICS Instructor Notes (30 min.) 1) Make these singular items a series of “2-minute drills”. 2) These topics will be more of a lecture series of short lecture points … need to solicit the referee community’s help in supporting these topics by actively participating, i.e. observe, report deficiencies when they occur, speak-up, be pre-active, etc.
2017 Ohio South Grade Referee Test NOTE: Answers are to be based on the 2016-17 FIFA Laws of the Game. More than one answer may be correct for any of the following questions. E-mail copy of your answer sheet to sdi@ossrc at least 24-hours prior to clinic session. Very few of participants (Less than 25%) followed these directions.
2017 Ohio South Referee ReCert Training HOT TOPICS
USSoccer will no longer provide individual Laws of the Game books to referees, as has been done in the past. You may go on-line and 1) download your own copy FIFA Law book … or 2) order a copy from the USSoccer Store for $5.39. Monthly “Referee Program Updates” are being sent out to each of you monthly. “Advice to New Referees” YouTube Videos will be released each month.
Administrators, Assessors, Assignors, Instructors and Referees are constantly going out and observing games in an effort to find new and upcoming referees. Unfortunately, during that process we have found an alarming number of everyday deficiencies being committed by experienced referees (i.e. not just new and younger officials), who should know better. “HOT TOPICS” are the negative results of those observations.
SAFETY Failure to check if goals are adequately anchored … do not assume referee crew in earlier game has check the goals … it is your responsibility to check goals each and every game including tournament games … DO NOT start the game if goals are not securely anchored. Foul Recognition - 2015
… Looking Unprofessional LAW 5 Improper Uniforms … Looking Unprofessional Shirts not tucked in Different color jerseys No badge Wearing jewelry Socks not pulled up Foul Recognition - 2015
LAW 5 Game Assignments … Contractual Obligations (Ethics) League, Tournament and Academy assignments Turn-backs No Shows Accepting / Scheduling too many games Foul Recognition - 2015
SAFETY Athletic Trainers – Concussions / Injuries Referee must not abdicate their responsibility Interacting with trainers – ask the right questions (i.e. regarding concussion symptoms)… not “is she ok to play?” realize trainers may be restricted from giving you a direct answer Referee is the ultimate authority as to whether a player is able to continue play or not. Foul Recognition - 2015
SAFETY Failure by Referee to check injured player is not acceptable: … always check player’s status (even when trainer is available) … be concussion conscious … any injury, not just concussion … separate “initial” observation from “sideline” observation Foul Recognition - 2015
STOP immediately … SAFETY Lightning/Thunder STOP immediately … SAFETY … seen or heard … and/or detector Restart only AFTER 30-minutes or detector (whichever occurs last) Foul Recognition - 2015
Someone is always watching LAW 5 Lack of Professionalism …. Referee being abusive toward coaches and/or players Keep comments short, direct and non-punishing Avoid shouting across field Don’t threaten Someone is always watching Foul Recognition - 2015
LAW 5 Interacting with Sidelines …. ARs - do NOT engage coaches or spectators - get attention of the Referee … Referees – do NOT engage spectators – Ask / Tell coaches to deal with their sideline misbehavior. … Referees – protect your ARs Foul Recognition - 2015
LAW 5 Sidelines - Out-of-Control Referees need to step up and deal with the problem … becoming more serious and threatening in nature: do not ignore use Ask/Tell/Dismiss procedures thru the coaches directly Dismiss, but again thru the coaches report problems to Assignor and/or Administrators Foul Recognition - 2015
Touching the Ball is only way to be actively involved LAW 11 OFFSIDE: Common Misconception …. Touching the Ball is only way to be actively involved Foul Recognition - 2015
LAW 11 OFFSIDE: “Interfering with Play” requires actual contact with the ball. HOWEVER….“Touching the ball” is not required for calling offside if the attacker is “Interfering with an Opponent” by making a movement or gesture which, in the opinion of the referee, deceives or distracts that opponent. In effect when “movement” causes “movement”, call the offense, don’t wait. 16