BUZZ: Hydrology
This ocean has the greatest occurrences of tsunamis This ocean has the greatest occurrences of tsunamis. BONUS POINT: Explain why.
What happens to wave height as the wave approaches the shore?
In what motion does the water move as a wave passes through?
Gift one point to a group of your choice.
To what part of the wave is Ariel pointing?
Which stage of the water cycle is represented in the diagram at E?
To what part of the wave is Ariel pointing?
When waves hit the shore at an angle, they cause water to move along the shore. What is this called?
This movement of water is known to move sand This movement of water is known to move sand. It can build up or tear down a coastline. Unfortunately, it is also known to spread pollution.
Gift one point to a group of your choice.
Swells and whitecaps are types of which wave?
What is a rip current?
Gift one point to a group of your choice.
Name this wave that is formed from storms.
To what part of the wave is Ariel pointing?
Which stage of the water cycle is represented in the diagram at C?
This wave can be caused by : underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, underwater explosions, or the impact of a meteorite or comet
This type of pollution often has many small contributors and is difficult to identify the source. BONUS POINT: Give an example.
Name this wave.
This wave is caused by a large volume of water that is suddenly moved.
This wave can be caused by hurricanes.
This process removes minerals from water, such as salt.
Which stage of the water cycle is represented in the diagram at G?
What should you do if ever caught in a rip current?
This type of current effects climate along coastlines.
Name this wave that is formed from wind.
What is located between the zone of saturation and unsaturation?
Which stage of the water cycle is represented in the diagram at F?
What is the percentage of potable water on Earth? What does potable mean? BONUS POINT: What is the percentage of potable water on Earth?
To what part of the wave is Ariel pointing?
This is the source of energy that powers the water cycle.
The percentage of fresh water on Earth's surface...
Which stage of the water cycle is represented in the diagram at A?
Where do most humans get their water for personal use?
The Coriolis effect causes air and water to curve ______________ in the northern hemisphere and ______________ in the southern hemisphere.
Name this wave.
This type of pollution can be controlled by permits, monitored, and directly linked to the source. BONUS POINT: Give an example.
Approximately what percentage of freshwater on Earth is frozen?
How do humans access aquifers? What is an aquifer? BONUS POINT: How do humans access aquifers?
Which stage of the water cycle is represented in the diagram at B?
This wave is caused by strong winds from a storm.
Gift one point to a group of your choice.
Which stage of the water cycle is represented in the diagram at D?