Henry David Thoreau By: Hannah Wagner
Early Life July 12th, 1817 Grandmother’s Farm David
College Harvard Graduated 1837 Ralph Waldo Emerson
Accomplishments Teaching Many other jobs Walden Pond
The Walden Experiment Emerson’s Land Purpose Walden (His book)
Other Accomplishments A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers Maine Woods and Cape Cod How he made his living Pencil Factory
Death May 1862 Legacy
Works Cited Derleth, August. A life of Henry David Thoreau Concord Rebel. 1962, Chilton Company, 1962, pp. 1-206. Harding, Walter. “Thoreau, Henry David.” Academic American Encyclopedia, 1986 ed., Vol. 19, Grolier, 1986, pp. 178. Schneider, Richard J. “Life and Legacy.” The Thoreau Society, 2015 ed., The Thoreau Society, 2015. www.thoreausociety.org/life-legacy. Witherell, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth Dubrulle. “Life and Times of Henry David Thoreau.” The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau, 1995 ed., Thoreau Edition Staff, 1994. thoreau.library.ucsb.edu/misc_photocredits.html