This is Jeopardy
The Great Depression & the New Deal (1929 - 1941) Important People 100 200 300 400 500 The Great Depression 100 200 300 400 500 Vocab 100 200 300 400 500 The New Deal 100 200 300 400 500 Acronyms 100 200 300 400 500
Money taken directly from a worker’s paycheck. Vocab for 100 Money taken directly from a worker’s paycheck. What is payroll tax?
Vocab for 200 This is how President Roosevelt talked to the nation and kept them informed What Are Fireside Chats?
Vocab for 300 The right of a union to negotiate wages and benefits for all of its members What is a Collective Bargining?
Vocab for 400 Head of the United Mine Workers, and later formed the CIO or Congress of Industrial Organizations. Who was John L. Lewis
Vocab for 500 Social Security provides four things for the people of the USA. These are three of them. What is old-age insurance, help to dependent children, unemployed, and disabled people?
Important people for 100 Francis Townsend Person that called for a system of government pensions Francis Townsend
What is she sang at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday? Important People for 200 Marian Anderson did this. What is she sang at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday?
Important People for 300 Catholic priest who opposed Roosevelt’s economic policies. Who was Charles Coughlin?
Important People for 400 Famous photographer that recorded the Dust Bowl experiences. Who was Dorothea Lange?
Important People for 500 First Lady who championed women’s rights. Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?
The Great Depression for 100 October 29, 1929, is known as Black Tuesday because this happened on this day in history. What was the stock market crash?
The Great Depression for 200 This is how the Great Depression affected women. What is that more of them entered the workforce?
The Great Depression for 300 During the Great Depression, films like King Kong were popular for this reason. Daily Double! What was that they helped people forget their troubles?
The Great Depression for 400 In response to the Great Depression, African Americans in the South were likely to do this. What was they moved to the North?
The Great Depression for 500 These were two causes of The Great Depression. What was overproduction of farm goods, consumer goods, and overspending by much of the American public?
What was he closed America’s banks for four days? The New Deal for 100 This is what Roosevelt did the day after he was inaugurated. What was he closed America’s banks for four days?
The New Deal for 200 One of the following was NOT part of the New Deal. Old-age insurance Minimum wage laws Laissez faire Aid to dependent children What was laissez faire?
The New Deal for 300 This is what Old Age Insurance did for people. What is that it guaranteed people a pension?
The New Deal for 400 These are known as the three R’s of the New Deal. What are relief, recovery, and reform?
The New Deal for 500 What was Mexican Americans The New Deal actually did more harm than good to this group of people. What was Mexican Americans
Acronyms for 100 Hired city dwellers to work in America’s national parks, forests, wilderness areas, and countryside planting trees, building reservoirs, constructing parks, and digging irrigation canals. What was the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)
Acronyms for 200 The WPA did this. What was it put people to work building public buildings and roads?
This is what did the FDIC did. Acronyms for 300 This is what did the FDIC did. What was it guaranteed $2,500 in your bank account if there was anything that happened to the bank?
Acronyms for 400 This is what the TVA did. What is that they built dams along the Tennessee Valley to control flooding and provide power?
Acronyms for 500 The NRA or National Recovery Administration tried to do this during the 1930’s. What was keep prices stable while boosting unemployment and buying power of the consumer?
This is Final Jeopardy!!!! Possible Answers Many businesses went bankrupt in the 1930’s. In our discussions we talked about the “cycle of disaster” that was unstoppable during this decade. Describe this “cycle of disaster” for business and the American people & what made it unstoppable. Possible Answers Sorry, question only this time. Look it up!