Education – SMART Objectives Review and Actions September 28, 2018 Rome Park Hotel, Rome, Italy
Education SMART Objectives Review Stated Objectives: Strengthen the Distinguished Lecturer Program and Services. Coordinate with conferences and other meetings to increase interaction and involvement of activities with Young Professionals, Students, WIE. Improve and expand Resource Center Education offerings. Coordinate with conferences and other meetings to increase interaction and involvement of activities with Young Professionals, Students, WIE Increase awareness and opportunity for educational programs. Coordinate with publications to promote and report on Education Programs through QEB, Magazine, web.
Strengthen the Distinguished Lecture Program and Services. Provided 95 Distinguished Lectures in 2017 (up again) given in 22 countries and territories 23 IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecturers. 2018 Budget Completed, Most Lectures at No Cost to AESS DLs leverage other travel and locality All conferences appear to have DLs involved AESS does a 50% cost sharing when funding. This saves money but requires negotiation and some find confusing. Materials updated and hard copies provided to most DLs through Radar/BoG Terms end December 2018. New call posted. Nominations to be reviewed by committee of BoG/DLs end of 2018
Strengthen the Distinguished Lecture Program and Services. Provided 95 Distinguished Lectures in 2017 (up again) given in 22 countries and territories 23 IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecturers. 2018 Budget Completed, Most Lectures at No Cost to AESS DLs leverage other travel and locality All conferences appear to have DLs involved AESS does a 50% cost sharing when funding. This saves money but requires negotiation and some find confusing. Materials updated and hard copies provided to most DLs through Radar/BoG Terms end December 2018 – will need to do a call Nominations reviewed by committee of BoG/DLs end of 2018
Strengthen the Distinguished Lecture Program and Services. Example latest report: Heinz Wipf, Switzerland Chapter - Received 9/23/2018 The Swiss Aerospace and Electronic Systems AES-10 chapter organized several joint in-depth lectures on radar making use of the societies DL lecturer program and drawing from our industry backgrounds. The Swiss section and other professional organizations like ION and the Swiss Association of Aeronautical Science support these events financially. In addition the Chapter Chair is focusing on young professionals and students. Here the chapter is engaged in presenting the often unknown structure and the facilities of the IEEE in meetings organized by student members or young professionals sponsoring coffee breaks or aperitifs. Since aerospace is truly global the chapter is much interested in more personal exchange be it in R8 or world wide. In this respect the chair while attending the IEEE PLANS conference in Monterey flew down to San Diego to meet up with the local AES chapter holding a lecture on GNSS interference field trials conducted in Switzerland. At that occasion Dr. K. Kramer an AESS-BoG member invited him for a tutorial at the University of San Diego Campus. The chapter is also looking towards to a firmer engagement of the AESS in the European arena rising the low profile towards the European Commission and establish the IEEE as a prime peer organization.
Strengthen the Distinguished Lecture Program and Services. Avionics Systems Cyber Security Gyro and Accelerometer Navigation Systems Radar Systems Space Systems UAV (Fusion) Maruthi Akella X Yaakov Bar-Shalom Erik Blasch x Eli Brookner Larry Chasteen Fred Daum Mark Davis Walt Downing Giuseppe Fabrizio Alfonso Farina Maria Sabrina Greco Hugh Griffiths Phillip Hall Lorenzo LoMonte Wolfgang Koch Kathleen Kramer Surendra Pal Zhihua Qu Bob Rassa Avid Roman-Gonzalez George Schmidt Michael Wicks Peter Willett Ji Wu AESS-BOG-Spring ‘18 - AI-0751 Complete GAP analysis relative to DLs and Panels and work with Education to include recommendations for DLs and for DLs to be members of Panels. Kathleen Kramer, lead, working with George Schmidt. Panels (Only allowed 1 pick per DL)
Strengthen the Distinguished Lecture Program and Services. Maruthi Akella x Yaakov Bar-Shalom Erik Blasch Eli Brookner Larry Chasteen Fred Daum Mark Davis Walt Downing Giuseppe Fabrizio Alfonso Farina Maria Sabrina Greco Hugh Griffiths Phillip Hall Lorenzo LoMonte Wolfgang Koch Kathleen Kramer Surendra Pal Zhihua Qu Bob Rassa Avid Roman-Gonzalez George Schmidt Michael Wicks Peter Willett Ji Wu Geographic Distribution Members and DLs
Strengthen the Distinguished Lecture Program and Services.
Strengthen the Distinguished Lecture Program and Services.
Strengthen the Distinguished Lecture Program and Services.
Increase interaction and involvement of activities with YP, Students, WIE AESS-BOG-Spring ‘18 - AI-0780 Work with the Education Committee to coordinate with Conferences to increase involvement of activities with YP, students, and WIE. Lorenzo Lomonte, lead. Conferences targeted for YP or WIE activities. Robert T. Hill (EdCom) promoted at conferences by EdCom, particularly at student/YP events. Radar (Lo Monte) – YP, AERO-YP(Lo Monte with LoCalli/Kramer/Ruggieri/Blair) (-- graduate students are majority participants of YP), Rising Stars and MIKON WIE panels at Radar and DASC (Kramer) International Radar had a joint WIE/YP keynote panel (Williams) – joint/major event was highly effective
Improve and expand Resource Center Education offerings Conference recording approved with budget: Fusion (Kaplan), International Radar (Williams) – recorded 2-3 tutorials Thanks to Yaakov Bar Shalom for donated video course and Roy Streit for arranging sponsored recording Additional conference efforts for EdCom from Radar (Lo Monte) and Fusion (Gustaffson) This is a set of activities for the committee with leads across committee on individual tasks. BoG approved funding needed to support this in April – sufficient for recordings at up to 2 conferences ($2500 typical cost of recording) One strategy of the committee is to address have leads for conferences and geographic areas. Resources offered from other BoG (Streit, Willett, and many others including current sources of video tutorials) to committee. Related action items (completed): AESS-BOG-Fall ‘17 - AI-0736 Develop a submission process for video tutorials. Jason Williams, lead. AESS-BOG-Spring ‘18 - AI-0782 Find out how Signal Processing and IMS are recording their tutorials. Jason Williams, lead. AESS-BOG-Spring ‘18 - AI-0781 Improve and expand Resource Center offerings. Develop a plan for recording tutorials at targeted conferences. Kathleen Kramer, lead.
Education Ongoing Activities Action Items are extra actions asked of committee from meeting discussions and do not refer to core work of the committee requiring ongoing or annual effort and attention. The Distinguished Lecturer program and support of DLs is significant and ongoing. Call for nominations and review Increasing activities and lecturers each year Robert T. Hill award has no action items but requires an annual cycle of efforts to promote the award, celebrate the awardee/thesis/supporters, recruit nominations, and committee review of submitted nominations which each include a full thesis. 4 well qualified nominations received by initial deadline (September 7) AESS-BOG-Spring ‘18 - AI-0783 Coordinate publications to promote Education activities. Kathleen Kramer, lead. Both QEB and Magazine had articles/announcements since April 2018 BoG for major EdCom programs. This is a continuing effort. Each QEB has had at least one major item related to Education (including 450 word highlight and interview with Robert T Hill winner) Magazine “ads” and reporting