1 Title I Program Evaluation Title I Technical Assistance & Networking Session May 23, 2011
2 Title I Program Evaluation Session Overview What it is What it does Requirements The Process Preparation Key Questions Documenting Your Findings (Brief Examples) Discussion
3 What it is The Title I Program Evaluation is an annual review of the strategies in the Title I plan to determine if they are contributing to the desired outcomes: Improved student achievement Greater parental involvement More high quality professional development
4 What it does Title I Program Evaluation: Measures the efficacy and impact of the district's Title I program Documents the impact of Title I services on student learning Informs school and district planning Is an advocacy tool Is conducted at the end of a program year
5 Title I Program Evaluation is not A highly complex process Dependent upon outside experts Title I Teacher evaluation Focused solely on student test scores A once a year ordeal About proving the success or failure of the program A needs assessment
6 Why do it Understand, verify, or increase the impact of services for students Improve delivery mechanisms to be more efficient and effective Identify program strengths and weaknesses to improve the program Verify that you are doing what you say/ think you are doing
7 Requirements Federal legislation requires that a school operating a Title I program annually evaluate the implementation of, and results achieved by, the Title I program. ESE Title I program review requires written program evaluation procedure document and program evaluation summary document.
8 Relationship to Needs Assessment
9 How – The Process Develop a procedure - The Program Evaluation Procedure describes how each schools Title program is annually evaluated for impact on student achievement. This includes the data used, constituents consulted, process used to arrive at evaluation findings, and how these findings are utilized for planning and improvement.
10 How – Preparation Who are the audiences for the evaluation? What kinds of information are needed? What sources should information be collected from? How can information be collected in a reasonable fashion?
11 How – Key Questions Has the Title I program been effective? –What has worked well in the Title I program? –What has not worked well in the Title I program? How should the Title I program be refined?
12 Collect and analyze formative and summative student performance data –The evaluation must reflect Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) data for the district and all Title I schools. Collect and analyze Surveys –Staff and parent/guardian surveys are used to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the programs impact on raising student achievement and in productively involving parent/guardians in their childrens education. How – Available Information
14 How – Documenting Your Findings The Program Evaluation Summary is each Title I schools written summary of the procedures used to evaluate the Title I program, a list of strengths and weaknesses of the program as indicated by findings from data analysis, and description of any consequent program changes made.
15 Title I Program Evaluation – Example A:
16 Title I Program Evaluation – Example B:
17 Discussion Where are you in the Title I Program Evaluation process at this point in the year? What do you need to do to ensure a strong Title I program evaluation? Share an example of how you have used program evaluation findings to adjust the Title I program. What challenges, if any, are there to effectively evaluating your district's Title I programs, and how are you able to overcome them?
18 For more information Title I Program Evaluation procedure and summary samples are located at: Phone: